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Starting 18th January


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WIll be starting on 18th January.

I am already doing Paleo diet for 3 years, was very good at the begginning without any baking and was keeping very well on top of my fitness and sleeping, but then in the last year I started with the Paleo bakings, working out less and introduced some dairy and sneaked some sugar, put some weight and got out of control. 

Just would like to go back in control of my diet and my fitness and get healthier and fitter.

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Starting the 18th, as well. I tend to eat healthy since we live on a hobby farm, in a very rural area. At least I thought I ate healthy. There seems to be sugar or soy in everything (WHY is there sugar in chicken broth? LOL). I have an autoimmune disease and I believe it has a lot to do with food. Good luck!!! We'll cheer each other on!

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Hi all! I'm also starting on January 18th. I am a college student who has tried to eat healthy, but after reading "It Starts With Food" I know I have some significant changes to make. It's going to be really hard for me to kick my sugar addiction. I'm looking forward to connecting with you all! 

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Hi, am going to start tomorrow too. I lost a bunch of weight about a year ago on an expensive program that was similar but had plan approved foods I had to buy too. I made it to goal weight and didn't really know how to eat real foods correctly, so since then I have been exercising and doing low-carb and trying to keep the weight off but to no avail. I have regained about 30 pounds. I let dairy and a few processed foods back in to my diet and know now that I can't do those things. I am excited about the prospects of losing some of the regained weight and feeling good about myself and my health again. Good luck to everyone!

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I also start tomorrow. I lost 20 lbs on low carb two yrs ago but gained it all back plus some. I just feel so sick lately and know its from eating too much sugar. I know i have to do this to feel better! I want to change my lifestyle altogether and think this is the best way.

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Tomorrow is my big day as well. Threw out 5 large garbage bags of bad stuff, spent two hours at the grocery, and another two preparing for tomorrow. Gonna be fit and healthy by the time I'm fifty! I don't think I could possibly feel worse than I do now but I am prepared to be wrong. Be strong everyone!

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