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A New Journey!


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I'm starting my first Whole30 today.  I was up before my alarm clock and have already had my breakfast.  I'm definitely nervous about cravings and wanting snacks throughout the day, so I've stocked up on veggies and fruit and will pick up some jerky later today.


My goal is to really determine what foods I'm allergic to...I know dairy (all dairy) and I are not friends.  I also know that I am sometimes sensitive to soy and gluten, so cutting all that out will help me define the new me.  And my belly/digestive tract will be much happier and healthier for it!


Abstaining from alcohol is easy...I don't drink a ton anyhow.  I started drinking my coffee black last week (I used to drink it black several years ago), so easing into it made it easier to have this morning.


I just need the will power!!!

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Day 2.  I woke up this morning and am feeling okay.  I am a little achy but I know (thanks to the book) that it's normal.  I made it through the entire day yesterday.  I didn't really have any cravings which is good.  I was feeling a caffeine drain in the afternoon, but will attempt to combat that this afternoon with some green tea if I need to.


I am loving the food too.  It's not that far off from what I was eating before, which is good...and I love that I'm doing so much cooking!


We will see what the day brings.  I told my colleagues that Thursday and Friday are 'Kill all the things' days!

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