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KJ's Whole30 Extravaganza


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Hi, I'm Kristin.  I'm late to the log (started Jan 31) but have been meaning to set it up primarily as a way to track my daily food/feels so I have a reference later.  Obviously, I've been failing.  However, today that all changed.


I woke up this morning with the just-got-hit-by-a-truck feeling, right on schedule.  I even had dreams about bread last night!  However, that's was all completely manageable.  Gave me a decent chuckle, and I went on my way.  UNTIL - 




An assorted box.  With my favorites.  Still warm.


So here I am, beginning this log to keep my mind of those things.   The strangest part is, I looked at them and didn't REALLY want one the way I used to.  I think the problem sits with the habit of "Oh, sales rep treats! Go grab one!"  ... or a deep-seated obsession with warm chocolate.


Whichever.  My saving grace was the huge bowl of chicken chowder I just polished off.


Expect to hear from me mostly daily. I'm sure I'll spend the next few posts catching up on the days I procrastinated.

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I've learned a few things in the last few days - the first of which is that i'm terrible at logs!!  Good news is, I haven't faltered from my Whole30 path.  Tackled a work lunch today, and heading to a party this evening armed with a disguised water. :)

Also, HAVE YOU MADE THE CARNITAS??? Holy moly they're fantastic.

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Well, day 7 (? 8?) and I just had my third food dream.  I ate an entire box of some crazy doughnut creations and woke up feeling defeated.  But hey, trying to shrug it off, I don't deserve to feel guilty! (They were pretty great in dream-world though.)


So far things are going well.  The headaches are gone, and I am suspicious of having only had a few days of fatigue.  The irritability lasted a good 3 or 4 days though.  I had one of those "Why am I so annoyed?" realizations.


I do still struggle with portion size.  I also have not begun to incorporate exercise.  I wasn't exercising any before, and I really wanted to get a good grasp on how food made me feel before introducing another new aspect to my life.  I feel like I need to bring that in to the regimen in the next week or so.  I'm thinking about starting off with low-intensity weight training and making sure I walk it out after.  I have a tendency to go 0-23450987234 with the gym, so it will need to be a mindful effort to not immediately try to push my limits.


Oh! I've formally made the decision to make this a Whole45.  I figure that should really be my minimum.  I have Hashimotos, and would really like to make sure I give myself a fighting chance on overcoming some of that.  Then at 45 days, I will begin a VERY slow reintroduction period.  Focusing on primarily eating W30-Compliant day-to-day meals, while allowing off-plan items as indulgences and special occasions.  

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I think my appetite was a bit too much this morning.. 


I downed what I think was about 1/2 lb of turkey sausage with a sweet potato and half an avocado.  Is this as too much food? Or am I just really used to undereating?


I ate at 8:30 this morning - it's 2:30 and I'm still not hungry. I'm going to go ahead and have lunch, just in case.

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NSV - I haven't been in a crappy mood or foggy in several days. I'm usually in and out of a perpetual Hashi's fog. Win! I hope this keep up. I'm thinking better, and doing better at my job.


Last night I made some great steak and veggies with olives. So that meant breakfast was steak and eggs! :D I think I'm on to a new favorite.

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I haven't posted in forever! So much for using a log to journal the whole process.


I'm 15 days in.. and I haven't fallen off the wagon! Hooray!  I've been concentrating on eating more veggies. I don't think I was getting enough, and it resulted in a few days of a complete lack of energy.  It's certainly not fats, I love those. <3. 


I am starting to tell my body is changing.  My face is clearer, my clothes are fitting better, and I SMELL DIFFERENT.  It's strange. I don't smell like myself, if you can imagine that. Not that I stink... 

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