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We got this - Kate & Em


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My sister Emily and I started our Whole 30 on February 1st and so far, I think we're killing it!

We've been taking the recipes from the book and when needed, added a slight spin.  


Holding each other accountable through text and Facebook and sending each other photos of our meals and our recipe favorites.  Our plan is to start sharing here for even more accountability and support.




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Final weekday of our first week of Whole30!

So far so good.  Definitely spent a lot more time cooking this week than previously, and SO MANY more dishes!  Family dinners have been healthy and delicious and everyone has been eating around the table, together.  It's been a good reminder for me that the kitchen table is the hub of the home and as the primary cook in the household, I have absolute control over the meals we enjoy.


Little nervous for the weekend, since much of our time will be spent at Grandma's.

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