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Katie's Whole30!


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Today is my day 30!  Super pumped!  I feel the same way.  I don't want it to be over, but I do want a little bit of freedom - but not too much to sabatoge myself!  You can resist the temptation and make the cake!  After not eating anything it would probably make you feel bad anyway.  LOL! Congrats to you!!! 

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DAY 30!!


It's finally here! The very last day of the Whole 30!!


(Even though I've already scheduled another one to start on April 1!)


I can't believe it's been 30 days already. It's gone by sssoooo fast!!!!


I'm anxious today because I have a LOT of running around to do -- dentist appointment for a cleaning (anxious about that, as always, ugh), work, therapy appointment, food shopping, then come home and cook dinner (which is a lot more challenging to do for six than for two!). BUT I got some sleep last night so that's good!


Can't really afford to slow down and evaluate how I feel emotionally because I'm so overloaded -- but I shall evaluate tomorrow after the last day is over! :)



Breakfast: Chai with coconut milk, two eggs scrambled with coconut milk and in butter, homemade turkey breakfast sausage, green beans with butter, salt and pepper, and half a tomato with salt and pepper.

Lunch: Salad with balsamic grilled chicken, carrots, cucumber, tomato, artichoke, and homemade balsamic vinaigrette.

Dinner: Paleo chicken fingers with homemade ketchup and sweet potato fries - one of my favorite recipes from this whole thing, and making it in hopes that my stepbrothers will eat it with us (since they didn't want the meatballs!)

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WOO HOO!  Go Katie!  I decided I wasn't going to reinto anything today.  I need to rethink my plan, so I am just going to stay with the plan for today. I didn't really plan food out for the reintro so I don't really have anything at the house.  LOL!  My scale broke, so I couldn't weigh in this morning. I used the gym scale around the same time and will be up there on Tuesday so I will weigh then.  Good luck today!  And good for you for doing another one starting April 1st.  I found that the second one was harder for me, but maybe since you have since a short period in between them it will not be as difficult! :rolleyes:

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Thanks Jenny!! I really appreciate you being my cheerleader through this! :) haha!

Honestly, I'm not sure that not having non-compliant foods in the house is such a bad thing! Neither is not havig a scale!! Lol! How are you feeling!?

What about the 2nd one was harder? I'm anticipating two gatherings that will be challenging in April, as well as trying to navigate classes, but otherwise I think it will be the same! I don't really miss anything besides cheese and the occasional cake. :P

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I actually feel pretty good. I still don't think I ever got the Tiger Blood, but I do notice that I am not as tired as I was in the beginning. Maybe I am just slow. HA!


I just think the head game was harder for me the second time around (however I went 7 month between).  I tried to start on January 1st - lasted 8 days - totally just talked myself out of it.  Then tried again February 1st. Finally February 21st worked. I don't know why.  I think because we know we can do it, and we already did it.  We know what to do, so it is not as "new".  You know what worked, and what didn't.  It was just mental for me.  But this time I learned so much more. I feel like I will make healthier decisions. Last time on the 31st day I had a coke, and then it just spiraled from there.  I know coke is such a hard sugar addiciton for me that I just can't allow it in right now. That is huge!


I miss a regular taco, wine occasionally, and pizza.  That is really about it.  I just need to find a way to have those, without slipping down a slippery slope.

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Haha you and me both, lady! That's kinda why I want to jump into another one so soon. Maybe if I don't bog myself down with too much not so good for you food during reintro, it might be easier to cycle through the stages and go differently!

I admire you for keeping at it until you actually went through with it for a second whole 30 days - good for you!! You rock. :) I'm glad that it went even better for you and that you know yourself better. I think you'll be okay having some tacos here and there - I can't see them feeding a sugar addiction or anything!! Can't speak for the wine, but I hope you are able to incorporate all the things you love and miss!

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I DID IT!!!!! I completed my first Whole 30!!!! :)


Here are my NSV's:

- I went from a compulsive scale-stepper (2-3x/day) to not weighing myself for 30 entire days.

- I did weigh myself this morning, and realized I gained weight, and you know what? I DON'T FEEL LIKE IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD.

- I am hungry in the mornings when I wake up!

- I (mostly) stopped logging my food! (I still have caught myself trying to calculate mentally how many calories I'm eating - but this is going to take a little while to completely resolve, after doing it for years)

- I realized homemade condiments and dressings are easy and absolutely delicious.


- I realized tea and coffee can be amazing without sugar - and absolutely decadent with coconut milk!

- AND I DON'T EVEN MISS SUGAR. My sugar dragon is asleep. I have the occasional craving for cake, but it's WAY better than it used to be, with dying for something sweet after every meal.

- I stopped snacking!! No randomly wandering into the kitchen and eating out of boredom. I have only had one snack during this entire 30 days, and it was raw vegetables.

- I've realized a possible reaction to FODMAPs which may improve digestion in the future.

- I am WAY kinder to myself. I may not love the person in the mirror yet, but I don't get disgusted with her or hate her when I see her. And I actually want to take care of her, not tear her down for being revolting.

- To that end, I am way more positive in general!


I'm actually now sort of wondering about reintroducing - I don't know if I want to try it or if I want to just keep going and see if some of my other issues may resolve themselves with more time. My skin is worse than it's been in years, I still have no period or sex drive, I'm still really, really tired, and I'm still not hungry at all later in the day. I think all of these things may just require a little more love and care...

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Okay, the more time that passes,  now that number on the scale is starting to matter... I'm starting to freak out and get really depressed... I guess I've learned the scale itself is a trigger for me, and I should really just stay away from it. :(

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Don't FREAK OUT!  LOL!  Look at all those NSV's above.  That is all amazing!  I can't imaging that it was a ton of weight that you gained, and maybe you needed a little extra. :P Who knows, but if you were constantly counting calories and stepping on the scale - that is definitely no way to live.  Give it some time.  I weigh tomororw, but I am not going to let it get me down (I hope).  it is what it is. You are learning and you know it is a process.  If you gained, I am sure it will even itself back out - or not.  But don't let it get to you.  Please - you did so well!  Be proud of you!

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Okay, so I had some time to process, and I've really calmed down quite a bit. The scale is definitely a trigger, and because of that, I need to just be done with it! It doesn't matter. I feel SO much better than I did, and that's what counts. I have to trust that my body will know what to do and what it needs, and just roll with it. :)

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