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Starting March 28


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Hello everyone,


My name is Tia. I have chosen a start date that is after Spring Break and Easter.


I am currently pretty active 5 days a week, and I help co-lead a girl scout troop (currently trying to survive cookie season).  I have a couple autoimmune disorders that I am hoping to improve with the Whole30.  I know about the AIP, but cannot commit to something that restrictive yet. I've been gluten free since my diagnoses so I am hoping that this way of eating is not such a drastic change. I am worried about the sugar addiction, as I've tried to break it a couple times before with success. I don't want to come back to it, so I am hoping to learn techniques to avoid falling in to old habits.


Have a great day!

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Hi Tia, I'm thinking the 28th is a great time to start as well! I've finished reading "It Starts With Food" and am in the middle of "The Whole30". I like to prepare, and over-prepare for pretty much everything and love to learn new things that interest me. Nutrition and the "why" behind what food does to us has always been intriguing to me so I'm finding the W30 to be right up my alley. I think my biggest challenge will be tackling my sugar addiction as well, and also carbs! They are always my "go to" when I don't feel well so I'm suspecting huge problems when I start going through withdrawals. Anyways, I've been hesitant to pick a start date yet because we always have something going on but I feel like enough is enough already and I could keep pushing it off until forever. So March 28th it is! What have you done to prepare yourself so far?

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So far, I've just looked at recipes for meal ideas and started to modify what I eat so it's not such a dramatic change. I've bookmarked a few recipes for breakfast that aren't egg based, so I have options. I'm also going through my pantry, freezer, and fridge to make sure I'm well supplied when the time comes. This morning I even cooked some extra chicken so that I can get into the habit of having clean options available for when I'm in a rush.

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Ok well. I decided enough was enough. I got my book, devoured it, and started immediately.  I already have a good stock of healthy food in the house, my husband is great at being supportive, and I was able to dedicate a few hours to food prep this week. I'm about to go to bed finishing day 3.  So far still feel good, had the energy to do my workouts and pull 12 hour work shifts.  I am noticing that I am a bit sensitive emotionally, but I recognize it and laugh it off.

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