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April 4th is the day!


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Hello all. I will be starting my Whole journey on April 4, 2016. I am excited and also nervous. I am almost done ready the book. I have been reading the blogs and comments. I have to say it makes me a little nervous. I am a "sugar-holic". I am trying to reduce my sugar intake so I will not be as shocked when beginning get the program. I currently have fibromyalgia. Hoping this journey will help me manage my symptoms better. Any suggestions?

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Hi ,I too have fibromyalgia and am in the planning stage as well for a start date of 14th March.Currently I have a flare up and finding it hard to concentrate enough to read all the book,and plan the week ahead, but I'm determined to reduce the symptoms ,and having a flare up reminds me of why I need to do it.Good luck to you,at least the support here is amazing with so many having completed the whole30,and ready to encourage others along.

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Hi wannabewonderwoman. I hope your flare-up doesn't last too long. It's good to see that there is support on this site. I am slowly preparing for this journey. I am almost done with the book. If you can't finish the book at least review the info they have on line. Skim through the rest. If you need any info I would be glad to assist. Hang in there and many blessing to you.

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