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Going for another Whole30; what a difference it made!


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I completed my first Whole 30 on Feb. 21st. I did a slow roll reintro of some foods, others I have stayed clear of & plan to for life. I never felt as good, healthy, energetic, happy, refreshed... The list goes on, as I did while strictly adhereing to the Whole30. I'm starting another 30 this week, though I feel as though I'm just returning to how I should eat for life now. My joint pain went away, my vertigo is GONE, I've been getting compliments on how great my skin looks, i haven't had any "morning head aches", which i did almost daily (not a hangover, just an every day headache), my sinuses are clearer, my asthma is better & I lost a total of 17 lbs (I was blown away) & about 9-10 inches over all. WHY would I not continue this?!?! It really wasn'

t hard for me, thankfully, and I began to enjoy cooking again instead of seeing it as yet ANOTHER chore for my family of four! THANK YOU WHOLE 30!

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