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Whole 30 Log and Half Marathon Training


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Starting day one today (4 MAY 2012). I have been eating paleo now for about a year with the occasional slip up here and there (in terms of eating grains). I've also become somewhat of a chocoholic/sugarholic and lately I haven't been feeling that great in terms of energy and also lack of motivation to attack my workouts with the same intensity that I had been and my sleep has been way off. Also I was experimenting with different fasting protocols and using it as an excuse to pretty much eat all of the chocolate and fruit that I wanted. So that is officially ending today and I'll be doing the whole 30 for the next 30 days, I will be fasting most days until lunch because in my previous experience I just feel overall better throughout the day by waiting until then to start eating.

Also I'm running a half marathon (my first!) on 14 July with a friend so I have also begun to seriously train for that. Normally I follow outlaw crossfit however I missed a snatch PR and ripped up my L thumb joint so I am laying off of that right now and focusing on specificity for my half. I will be throwing in some BW metcons (using the trx, rings, pullup bar, etc.) here and there and the occasional DB snatches, etc. but overall my focus is on improving my running form and finishing the half marathon.

I look forward to the next 30 days and regaining control over my sugar cravings and energy levels!

Day 1:

0600: Run/Jog-30min, Jog/Walk-10min

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i'm running a half on july 15th! (mostly as an excuse to travel to it really) have you looked at the crossfit endurance programming?

i'm on day 12 of whole 30. before this, i skipped breakfast pretty much every day just because it was easier and i felt better not eating until lunch. i've been eating breakfast every day since starting, and i can't really say i feel any better because of it, i actually think i'm hungrier most of the morning now after eating breakfast. anyway, sorry that's not super helpful, and i'm not an expert, but i think i might be going back to fasting instead of breakfast too.

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I have! Actually had been following crossfit endurance for about 1.5 yrs before going to the outlaw programming. I liked it a lot! But with my hand all banged up I really can't grip anything right now at all and also I have really fallen in love with running (recently). I am planning on inputting the 2 intervals (long and short) into my programming to hit a different stimulus.

Are you following crossfit endurance exclusively? Good luck on your half! (and training for it as well).

Have you done a whole 30 before?

I know exactly what you mean! The earlier I eat the hungrier I am throughout the day. I'm not sure what it is but I seem to have way more control when I don't eat "breakfast".

How has your whole 30 been so far? My biggest thing to watch out for is when I first switched over to eating paleo (about a yr ago) I was really pretty strict and hit this period (in the beginning) where I felt like I was tired and hungry all of the time- I think analogous to the low carb flu but it hit me pretty hard- anyways hoping its not as strong this time.

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yep, i'm following cfe now. i was following mostly the main site before, and throwing in a few runs whenever i felt like it. i'm not very strong, or fast, but getting better. i used to love, love love running - before i discovered crossfit i was running literally 3-4 days a week, usually 12 miles each time. i have no idea why, just because i loved running i guess.

the half i'm running is the napa to sonoma half marathon in california. and yours? good luck with your training as well!

i definitely agree about breakfast. this morning i had a beef breakfast hash mix and a small sweet potato, and was hungry by 10am. and it has happened regardless of what i eat for breakfast. and then i end up hungrier all day long because of it. i'm sure there's some sort of explanation/remedy, but i have no idea what it is.

i did a whole 30 back in 2008 and ate 80/20 paleo most of 2009...then completely fell off the wagon the end of 2009..all of 2010..and most of 2011. the chocolate and fruit problem is one i have too..mostly chocolate though, i could totally live without fruit if i had to. i ate so much chocolate it's kind of disgusting, and definitely ridiculous.

this whole30, the first week went fine, but since this wednesday i have just been exhausted all the time and not sleeping as well. it's probably partly because my dog has been super annoying at night. i felt stronger at the gym last week and the beginning of this week, but on tuesday struggled through the workout and have been so exhausted since then. oh well, hopefully two rest days and a good night's sleep will help!

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Cool to see some people on Whole30 talking about running in half marathons. In the last year I have ran two and will start training for my first full marathon this summer.

I have only discovered paleo about 2 months ago and am currently on day 11 of my first Whole30. My concern has been with getting enough calories. Before this I tracked all my calories using an iPhone app and that helped my lose 92 lbs and also maintain energy levels to train and run in the half marathons. The "not counting calories" during the Whole30 has me a little bugged out because I started crossfit classes and still run and I don't want to bonk out due to lack of energy (which happened to me during my half marathon training because I wasn't getting enough calories).

Like I said I just discovered paleo and have read on the fasting but how do you make sure you are getting all the calories you are needing for the day with training and then not eating until lunch?

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Awesome! My home town is like 13mi from Napa Valley- absolutely beautiful! I'm running the Davis, CA Moonlight half marathon.

I started following the mainsite wods about 3 years ago then switched over to CFE and then last summer for about 5 weeks I joined an affiliate in Livermore, CA (I was out there doing an internship), then to outlaw programming around Nov. and right now taking a bit of a break from the heavy stuff and like I said doing pure running with some BW metcons thrown in. I really miss heavy lifting especially but my body really needed a break.

Have you run any races strictly on CFE programming? Before CFE programming? I was wondering what you see as some adv/disadvantages?

Chocolate (especially milk...) has definitely been my downfall overall. And I definitely understand just consuming mass amounts in one sitting lol I have to be careful because eating fruit really sets off a huge sugar craving in me.

The thing I love about crossfit is how scalable it is- like whenever I felt worn-out I would just scale it and work more on technique and range of motion. Hopefully tomorrow is better but definitely take it easy! Have you tried cold showers?


That's awesome! Like I said this will be my first so I'm excited but a bit nervous :)

Congrats on the 92lbs!! That's awesome!

The thing that I like behind the Whole30 concept is it forces you to listen to your body and if you're hungry to eat more. It may take some time but I think your body will eventually get to the point where it will be able to tell you exactly when you have had enough and when you require more-. But I do understand the stress of not "controlling" everything- during my "fasting trials" I was very meticulous about it everything and it actually got really demanding and tired. I feel so much better with the added freedom from Whole30.

What does your programming look like in terms of number of runs per week and crossfit classes? Have you looked into Crossfit Endurance? How they structure it is essentially 2/3 days of heavy lifting per week, 5 metcons, and only 3 runs (for a single sport athlete). If you're doing more than that it may be really stressing your system and wreaking more havoc than good.

I've always worked out in the early morning because of my schedule and I don't like eating anything right before working out so it has always been in a fasted state. It really didn't take much for me to get use to it and I actually feel a lot better working out that way. I have some friends who cycle competitively and carry chopped up sweet potatoes with them and sliced bananas/ apples, etc. Overall I think the best advice would be to try to sweet potatoes or yams and feed like you would on any other long run.

I think you'll find though that the longer you eat paleo and Whole30 the easier it will be for you to "forget" to eat breakfast and just need lunch, dinner, and maybe a snack.

Also a lot of conventional wisdom pushes the idea of eating right after a workout to help build muscle, etc. but I've never noticed a decrease in muscle mass by working out in the fasted state and I also tend to recover a whole lot faster (probably because my body can focus on repairing my "damaged" muscles with my current nutrient stores and not on digestion). So workouts lasting over an hour I'd feed normally like you would during any long run and shorter intervals I'd say try them fasted and see how you feel.

Sorry for the long response. Good luck!

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Nice, a moonlight half sounds way more fun than one during the day!

I haven't run any races on CFE programming and never ran any official races before. I did a 5K at the end of March, but hadn't worked out for the 3-4 weeks prior to it, at all. (I had surgery in the middle of March and couldn't work out, blah, the timing was so bad!) So the 5K was my first day back, and it was not good at all! I started doing CFE after that 5K, then ran another 5K two weeks later. It did not go well, but, the race was at this vineyard on a giant hill (probably consider it a smaller mountain), in and out of the vines and the last half mile was uphill. I ran most of it, until the last half mile uphill, and then I was pretty much inching along. Definitely not prepared for any hills, but, I'm positive that if I had just been doing CF alone, or just running alone, it would have been even worse. I'm planning to run a 5K or 10-miler at some point before July. (I kind of hate organized races, mainly because of the first mile or so when there are sooo many people and when people who start out walking actually start in the front for some reason, and you trip over them.)

Ugh, chocolate, yeah. I think I might cut out fruit too and see if it helps. I haven't been having huge chocolate cravings but I definitely miss it. My main reason for doing a Whole30 was really just to get out of the chocolate/baked goods addiction I was stuck in.

I haven't tried cold showers. It's weird because I'm not sore, at all, and I wasn't on Wednesday, I'm just so tired and weak feeling. I may just need to increase portions or something.


I agree with what flyer said - I'm definitely not an expert in this area at all, and my answer will probably not help much. Before Whole30 and Paleo, I followed (not strict strict but followed) the Zone block/ratio calculations (per crossfit recommendation). So I think when I started Whole30/Paleo in general, I was still thinking in Zone sizes (and probably still am) though it's more of a subconscious thing, I'm not ever actually thinking ok, I need 3 blocks of protein for this meal so that's 21 grams of protein, etc. I think I just learned to gauge those meal sizes (not on purpose) because they were satisfying and I wasn't hungry after. I know this isn't what is meant for Whole30, and I've been trying to eat amounts based on hunger.

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I completely agree with the post above- I IF because it works for me and allows me to control my Energy and overall Hunger (read: cravings) better and like I said my workouts are more productive in a fasted state. Also I so far have had no problems getting enough vital nutrients and food within my "eating window". I also supplement with fish oil, vitamin D, probiotics, magnesium, and a green supplement (have for at least a year now).

In the end as with everything our bodies are unique so I recommend trying different things and figuring out what works for you!

Day 1:

0600: 40min run (30min up tempo, 10 min down tempo)

1215: BAS(alad) with tuna fish

1720: BAS with salmon and a little bit of beef.

BAS: usually spinach, cucumber, olives, tomatoes, eggs, walnuts (no-sugar), green pepper, celery, onions, etc. and vinegar for the dressing.

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