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Lorelai91's First whole30- Start date: May 23 2016


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Hi all :)

So I have signed on and am ready to get start for my first whole 30. I have read the book and will be vigorously food prepping and planning today. I am starting the W30 primarily because of my lack energy and digestive issues that I experience day to day. I want to know my triggers and I want to be able to live a normal life without what I eat effecting how I live my life!

I am looking for some other people starting around a similar time to chat with and follow through the next 30 days :)


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So I have taken the day to prep my food options and plan everything out for the first week! I am 2 years post op from gastric sleeve so my portion sizes and meal amounts are going to take some tweaking. Regardless I am very excited to start the 30 days. I will be tracking and checking in day to day. So far today I have prepped some brocollini and baby carrots, got my sweet potato and potatoes on hand for during the week (microwave), made 6 scotch eggs for lunches, whipped up some lemon chicken for dinners (and for my partner to have as well- with a second batch ready to go in the freezer) and the only thing left to do is get some fresh prawns (shrimp! Sorry im Australian ;)) for garlicky prawns on Tuesday night. Off to read some more of the forum now. I will check in tomorrow after day 1!

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Okay so I am coming to end of my first day. It has definitely been a success, I feel focused and am confident that the whole30 is definitely the program for me! It is only Day 1 and even with a nice steady flow of water throughout the day without all the extras and sugar I have ended the day with big headache. This is going to be an adjustment for my body! One that I am still very happy to be on board with. 


Anyways, as mentioned in my post before I am a W30er that has had a gatsric sleeve. I was interested to see how I went with a) the time frame between meals and B) how much of the full protein and veggies/fats that I could get in. I did pretty well (I think for my first day) this will need some tweaking as we go through the week.


M1- Portabello mushroom 'stuffed' with a poached egg. Handful of almonds (7am)

S- Apple (11am)

M2- Scotch egg and handful of olives (1pm)

S- Banana (5pm)

M3- Lemon Chicken with 1 potatoes, broccolini and carrot. (7:30pm)


So in analyzing my day it looks like my body gets hungry after the 4 hour mark, Looking at what I had today I need more protein in my in between meals. Instead of the fruit tomorrow the plan is to bring forward M2 to 11am and then have a snack (almonds and apple?) at 1pm, with M3 after school (yes, I am a school teacher) at 3/4pm with a M4 at 7pm. I think its a fine line between keeping the right amount of time between meals but also fueling my body with balanced meals.


Any feedback is appreciated :)

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Another successful day. Today I focused my meals around protein to me me fueled over a longer time and it worked really well. I kept my water up and only have a small head ache this evening. Tried to get a little more fat in with the prawns and nuts today.

M1- Mashed sweet potato, almonds, boiled egg

S- watermelon

M2- grilled chicken tenderloin brocolini carrot

M3- scotch egg, 1 potato and 1/2 apple

M4- garlicky prawns, steamed veggies, watermelon

Bring on Day 3

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Hi! I started yesterday and would love to chat with someone as I go through Whole30 for the first time. It looks like you are off to a great start!


I am doing this for a couple of reasons - 1) To reduce inflammation - I have developed arthritis in my hand and some in my back and hoping that I can alleviate joint pain, and 2) to lose around 15 pounds and keep it off.


I forgot to weigh myself yesterday when I started the program. I did today, and it's at an all time high :( I have to admit that I "enjoyed" myself this weekend knowing that I was about to start the program. I certainly feel a bit regretful for going overboard. Well, it will feel wonderful on Day 30 to hop on the scale with a better number. 


Good luck today!

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Hi Carolyn! Lovely to have someone along on this journey :) you have some fantastic reasons for doing the W30 and what a difference it will be on Day 31! Have a good Day 2. Feel free to post here or let me know what your log is called so I can pop over :)

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Day 3 down! I have been feeling really tired by 830pm so have had nice long sleeps for the last 2 nights. Not so hungover today but still very tired. I survived whole staff morning tea (which our block had to provide!) I even told everyone around me at work what Im doing to avoid the chocolate flying! Feeling successful

Todays menu

M1- Portabello Mushroom roasted with Olive Oil topped with a poached egg. Watermelon

S- Almonds and apple

M2- Garlicky prawns with a baby potato

M3- Grilled chicken and olives

M4- Grilled chicken, pumpkin soup, watermelon

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Yes it is and I'm off to a bumpy start. I had two days just about down until we were invited to a Mariner's game. It was last minute, Martin and I are social beings... so though I didn't "eat" anything off the plan, I had a couple of drinks. Felt pretty down about it this morning, but then it was a wake up call and I need to commit completely to this, for not only the reasons I mentioned to you, but also to the idea of sticking to something and not quitting.


So I start fresh again and NO EXCUSES.


Congrats on your Day 3!

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Carolyn even with the slip it sounds lik you are right on track with your thinking just remember, if you are strong enough to give yourself that kind of tough love, you can most definitly do it!! I Find social situations are very tricky aswell my first test will be my partners work gathering Saturday night. It always has delicious food and plentiful dtinks. Im going to need a plan! Gulp! We got this!

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So it is the morning of Day 4 and I am already seeing changes. My body is happy waking itself up (before my alarm) and im feeling rested. I have been struggeling when I get out of bed for months so this is a welcome change! Im bracing myself for the tired period that is supposed to hit around Day 6. And secretly hoping that I dont go through the 'kill it all' days today and tomorrow! Fingers crossed and we wil see :)

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Day 4- wow the first weeks flying!

It was a kill everything day (but thats a normal Thursday for me and the kids) so we will see if it continues into tomorrow. I joined the gym (curves) this afternoon so one session down and feeling great about it! Hoping to continue my string of brilliant and rested sleeps I have been having. Although in saying that I had a weird dream last night about me eating non compliant foods.... the food dreams have started! Any other cooky dreams out there?

M1- boiled egg and pumpkin soup

S- almonds and apple

M2- grilled chicken and potato drizzled in olive oil

PWO- grilled chicken

PoWO- almonds and proscuitto slices

M3- meatballs, steamed brocolini/ carrots and banana

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Hi there!


Looks like all has been going well! Sorry for not writing. I got a bit behind on chores and such. So I have two solid days down so moving on to tomorrow to Day 3. I think what I feel the most is a slight "lightness" through my digestive system. It's hard to explain. No funky dreams here, well not yet.


M1 - sweet potato and spinach hash topped with two over easy eggs

M2 - sliced chicken breast and slaw salad

S - 10 pecans

M3 - turkey burger with tomato, avocado and sriracha mayo, cucumber and radish salad


Nice move joining a gym. I head downstairs to a little exercise area I created. I walked on my treadmill for 30 minutes and did some core exercises.


Have a great Friday!!!

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So Day 4 is done and dusted and just woke up (refreshed and sans alarm) ready for day 5!

Eating for yesterday

M1- boiled egg, almonds and a banana

M2- meatballs and baked potato

M3- grilled chicken, watermelon and proscuitto slices

S- boiled egg and banana

Carolyn- good job on the 2 days down how are you feeing?

I understand what you mean by lightness I feel very digestively light and even felt damn skinny last night ;) I guess thats normal when your not bloated after each meal/snack, its nice. I felt much better yesterday not as tired and no sign of headaches, although I was a little sore from the gym on Thursday.

Also (randomly) do you know how hard it is to make cheesecake and not lick your fingers or a spoon!? Hahaha we have a corporate dinner tonight and I signed up for dessert before all this nonsense ;)

Staying strong and powering througha jam packed social weekend. Lunch and dinner everywhere!! Wish me luck :)

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Hey :) so missed logging day 5 but was fully on track!

Day 6 was the hardest yet craving wise (but i didnt cave). Mostly due to 2 social outings at meal times... if I was sensible I would have started my W30 after these pre booked events but I was raring to go so I survived... just. I am still having flashbacks to the table of desserts.

M1- boiled egg, proscuitto

S- almonds and banana

M2- poached egg and asparagus, cashews and banana

M3- Homemade fish stews with prawns, fish and potatoes in a bisque (made with coconut milk) and a fruit kebab.

And in all honesty Day 7 is not looking much better socially. I have a coffee/brunch and then lunch out for a birthday. After this weekend I am hibernating for the next 3 weeks ;) I will stay on the plan and keep strong.

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Hey there! Sounds like you are off to a great start. I'm on my first round, though I've extended it and I'm on day 54. I've learned TONS in that time and am still learning. Have you seen the meal template page? That was probably my biggest "aha" moment after week 1. I didn't have any of the hangover stuff but I hit the exhaustion phase HARD. Eating the right amount really helped. 




So each of your meals should have 1-3 cups of veggies. And a serving of eggs is how many eggs (in their shells!) you can hold in one hand. It's usually 3-4 for women.


And by the way, social outings get much easier as time goes on. Once you really start feeling great on the diet and are comfortable in your new eating habits, you don't feel as tempted or awkward standing around with your hands in your pockets in front of all that food!


Keep up the good work!

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Hi Madness

Thank you for your direction to the template. I have seen it but as i have had a gastric sleeve I am not able to eat more than 1/2 to 1 cup of food for a meal. I am juggeling a fine line of sleeve rules (protein first) and seeing how much I get in of the template in a balance of all areas. So you will see that I try and hit all 4 areas in every meal (sometimes over a meal and a snack) as i physically cannot consume any more. I alreasy feel like im constantly stuffed ;)

Thanks for the kind words. I am already feeling the benefits :)

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Ate a little more today because its a Sunday and its easy to eat heaps (not sure if thats a good thing) still struggling to get many veggies in... have somewhat prioritized fats but I think instead of apple and bananas I am going to have to try and swap in some more nutrient dense veggies. Thats my goal for this week and also decrease the amount of nuts I have. I finally found compliant proscuitto, added coconut cream into my cooking and have upped my oil intake so happy in that area.

Today's menu

M1- Portabello Mushroom roasted with Olive Oil topped with a poached egg. Cashews and apple

M2- Grilled chicken and a poached egg banana

M3- boiled egg and apple

M4- Homemade fish stews with prawns, fish and potatoes in a bisque (made with coconut milk) and proscuitto

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Hi! Wow you are on a roll.  I'm impressed! I looked up what a gastric sleeve is. That must have been tough. Is it something that stays on for the rest of your life?


I should write more so that I am assured that I'll stay on track. Listening to how well you are doing inspires me. I have not faltered, but my goodness it's painful breaking old habits. One habit that my husband and I had was that a few days a week, we would un-wind in the evening by heading to a local restaurant (there are TONS here in Seattle!!) and share a few happy hour appetizers and have a couple of drinks. Our daughters are grown up and out of the house, and for the past few years, we have been enjoying all that Seattle has to offer. (We moved here almost five years ago from the east coast.) We loved this time, because it was when we talk about our day and what plans we have, and just everything under the sun. So now, no more restaurants, and I am cooking every night. :wacko: It's important that a new habit is formed, because we will be adopting foster kids in the next couple of months!  :lol:


Diced Sweet Potato, Onion, and Spinach topped with Egg (add a pinch of cumin to the mixture, S&P)




Orange, Strawberry, and Jicama with mint (squeeze some lime and mix)




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Hi Carolyn! You recipes look delicious.

The gastric sleeve is a permanent life long thing they dont actually add anything they 'simply' remove 85% of the stomach to create a small sleeve like pouch. It has allowed me to get a second chance at health and life. I have already lost just under 40kgs. Now a days its all about my lifestyle and being healthy :)

I hear what you are saying about eating out. Its a great past time of my partner and I aswell to unwind. I also love trying new dishes and combinations so its almost like a hobby ;) I am missing it too, but only for 30 days or so... we will be fine!

Foster kids sound amazing! How does that all work over there? Will they be small or older? And is it an indefinitr time frame?

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Day 8 done and dusted! I had an insane day at work today. Not sure how I managed to even not make it to the restroom at all today. I clearly did not drink enough water! Anyway wasnt too hungry because it was go go go! Plus side I had a great sustained energy all day long :)

Menu Day 8

M1- boiled egg, proscuitto

S- cashews and apple

M2- Homemade fish stews with prawns, fish and potatoes in a bisque (made with coconut milk).

M3- leftover veggies from fish stew, coconut battered chicken strips fried in coconut oil

There is alot of veg in the stew sauce (made from peppers, onions, tomoato and other goodness as well as sweet potato, carrot and potato chunks) so feel like I might be starting to tick that box.

I also have a veggies soup ready to go (which I just couldnt get in today) but I think that gets me a little further too. Plans in motion! Ready for Day 9! Nearly into double digits....

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Day 9 Meal plan ended up being...

M1- boiled egg, proscuitto

S- cashews and apple

M2- coconut battered chicken strips fried in coconut oil

M3- boiled egg, veggies soup, proscuitto

S- Coconut chicken and banana

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DAY 10 food

M1- boiled egg, sweet potato, cashews and apple

M2- coconut battered chicken strips fried in coconut oil, potato

M3- boiled egg, prosciutto, potato rostini

M4- fish stews with prawns, fish and potatoes in a bisque and apple

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