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Lorelai91's First whole30- Start date: May 23 2016


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I just woke up for Day 11. I wish I could say its all flying but I have had too many cravings the last couple of days to focus on anything else but food! Looking forward to that day 10/11 stage passing... they werent kidding when they said you will be ready to throw in the towel. I should have tallied how many times I have thought that in the last 2 days. So intersting how the time line is so on point.

Anyways Im counting that as a success, I am still here and going strong!

Yesterday I found a potato rostini recipe that I tried (it tasted nice, seasoning a little off and the potato was shredded too finely). I have hopes that I will have a vegetable to eat for meal 1 and also a recipe that I can tweak and add other protein too like a crab/salmon/chicken cake. I will be experimenting on the weekend!

It is already Thursday this week and I am beginning to get a little under pressure as it is reporting time for us teachers (I teach primary/elementary). Busy time of year and one of my biggest snacking points. Have been able to steer clear so far but keeping my eyes peeled for any boredom/stress eating feelings.

Hope everyone else is feeling good and on track. Hanging out for the Tiger blood moment!!

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I'm back! I fell again on Sunday and started back on Monday. I haven't been on the log since. (I have to admit it was a bit embarrassing to fall twice.) Good news is that I have been on track since with not one itty bitty cheat!


It was neat to see you still on board when I came back to the log. You're a teacher! I was a special ed teacher for several years before deciding to leave. I tutor part-time. I'm a dyslexic specialist so I tutor children that have reading challenges. I have pared it down though, because I will be a full-time mom when we finally get a foster/adopt placement. The way it works here is that you need to get this in-depth home study done (all about my husband and me - unbelievably in-depth) and get licensed as foster parents. After that, we search with the agency for kids we are interested in. We are looking for two boys, or a boy and a girl.


Back to Whole30 - Since I'm on Day 4 now, last night I had my first dream of food, and I remember ordering a vodka and tonic (which I don't even drink!) at some kind of catered event. It was the weirdest thing because when I got the drink, the bartender told me $44 please. I was like, "What?!!". She said it's expensive at the event, and since she thought I didn't want it at that price, she proceeded to take it away from me, and me thinking "bummer". I remember then wandering around, feeling some sense of guilt as I was checking out food. Then I woke up. That was a strange dream! My husband said I was talking in my sleep. :)


So happy for you that you are getting through the cravings stage. I can feel it a little. I need to get a bit more creative about my breakfasts. I have been making eggs every morning. I'm not interested in the idea of making some kind of paleo bread, because it is like what the book says - it's just us humans trying to pretend we are eating carbs. So, I need to read up to find some alternatives. But for today... again... it's eggs!

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Oops really busy this week and missed day 11! Day 12 was good but I had a hungry day (not sure why). I devoured my lunch by 11am and theb felt satisfied until dinner...

M1- poached egg, rostini, cashews and apple

M2- meatballs apple

M3- banana, duck breast and roast potatoes

M4- dates, strawberries amd grilled chickem breast with lettuce and tomato

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