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Starting June 20th


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Hi there, I'm Kris and I'm starting June 20th, when I'll officially be one month postpartum! I'm currently breastfeeding and plan to continue doing so during my program. I'm hoping this will help me shake off some of the "baby fog" and reset from the third trimester when I made really poor food choices. Lots of lasagna, cookies, and ice cream! I normally eat paleo, but I gave in to those pregnancy cravings BIG TIME. I'd love to hear from other moms who did this program while nursing! 


Thanks guys,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Kris, I started two weeks ago when I was one month postpartum. I'm also nursing and am also trying to over come my third trimester bad food indulges!!!! I also normally eat paleo so I feel like I had an upper hand going into this. I will say I feel a lot more rested in the morning with a month old, and wake easily....although we could always use more sleep. So far I have not noticed any issues nursing. My almost 6 week old is starting to cluster feed and get fussy during the evening which coincides with a growth spurt. If anything I'm more thirsty and in need of more snacks. Hardest part is making sure I have protein, fat and carbs at all meals. I've been trying to push more fats and make batches of sweet potatoes and spaghetti squash. So far so good... I'm hoping to take this farther than 30 days!

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