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Started Whole30 on Oct. 2nd


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... but life has been nutty enough that I haven't gotten over here until now.

Last night was the hardest (Day 3). I can't clear out the pantry, as both my brother in laws, a girlfriend and various children also live with hubby, son and me. There is no room for special shelves or special areas because nobody honestly cares about this besides me, so....

Anyhoo, I was able to not drink soda or sneak a bit of hubby's meatball grinder despite being extremely hungry only an hour or two after dinner. So after examining myself and figuring I really was hungry because I skipped lunch, I had an avocado and was fine for the rest of the night.

I have been tested with quite a few allergies: milk & wheat being the biggies but since my reaction isn't "bad," I was always cheating... so I am using the next 30 days to detox and reexamine my health goals. Going dairy and wheat free are paramount, but the other concepts of the paleo diet intrigues me, so hoping to do more reading.

I really thought is was going to be the bread and stuff (which usually trips me up) that was going to be my cravings, but I am realizing how much I am relying on sugar for fuel. So that has been interesting. New insights are fun.

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I live with my Grandmother and my son..my Gran loves to bake and she's really good at it.

I have been fighting the urge to eat the pastries in the kitchen but I know how bad I feel afterwards and I have been not eating them.

It's really hard when everyone else is not onboard and you can't clear the pantry.

Congrats on the insights,it's always a good thing and especially good early in the game.

Good luck!

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So far, still doing well despite cooking non-compliant food for others.

And getting invited to my folks house to visit with a visiting cousin... To arrive at dinner time (no one told me). So visited without eating because 1) nothing I could eat... but better yet, 2) I was looking foward to what I had waiting for dinner in the crockpot at home.

Worse cravings are still sugary drinks but doing well with seltzer water or tea when my water bottle won't cut it.

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I forgot to mention I work in concession stand on Saturdays... And I didn't steal a single fry. I brought a bowl of morracan mash (sweet potato & banan with spices) and nibbled on it all day with a couple of naked grilled burgers for lunch. I thought it would be harder but it wasn't too bad.

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Today is Day 26 of my first Whole 30. I had to get labwork done so my blood draw was done fasting this morning. I had to really plan today because I was out for several hours after the blood draw. I brought 3 boiled eggs, a ziploc of fresh raw veggies and a small apple to eat for breakfast. I normally exercise in the morning, but i fit it in this afternoon and worked out hard. It felt really good!

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