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Newbie Starting TODAY!


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Hi All, I'm Leah and this is my first Whole 30.


About two years ago I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. For the most part I've just dealt with always feeling awful and running to the bathroom after meals, taking predisone when it was especially bad along with my maintenance medication. I've known all along that a change in diet could alleviate if not completely get rid of my systems. An elimination diet would be my best bet so that I could pin point exactly what foods were my triggers. But I was scared. I did not want to give up all the things I love to eat. Food and drink is my way to socialize, comfort myself, reward myself, alleviate boredom. But I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.


So I finally bought It Starts with Food (all that sciencey stuff made so much sense) and Whole 30. I read blogs, pinned recipes, and finally choose a start date. TODAY. July 6, 2016. And while I'm nervous I'm also excited! My husband is incredibly supportive and will follow along when we eat together. All my close friends whom I've told have also been incredible supportive especially knowing what I go through with the ulcerative colitis. 


Why am I doing the Whole 30?

- For my health

- For my skin

- For more energy

- To reset my body

- To change my relationship with food

- To not feel sick anymore

- To combat the sugar dragon


Looking forward to going on this journey with all of you. 


Cheers, L

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Leah!

I was recently just diagnosed with ulcerative colitis too. If you don't mind me asking, how did it doing the Whole 30?

I had already successfully completed one round of Whole 30 about 2 years ago before I was diagnosed or symptomatic with UC and am debating trying it again to improve my symptoms from UC.

Any advice I would greatly appreciate!!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

@ElizabethRose Hi! 

My advice is to stick with it. Keep learning. Everybody's body is different. I'm learning a lot about myself right now. When I'm tired of meal prepping, eating the same thing, or missing my favorite foods my husband reminds me there is a higher purpose and that being healthy needs to be my number one priority. Some days are easier then others. And now that I have completed my Whole45 and reintroductions and I'm about to go on that once in a lifetime vacation I do feel in this weird limbo. How do I eat? So I'm taking it one day at a time. Keeping a journal of what I eat and how it makes me feel (this has helped me eliminate brussel sprouts, cauliflower, mushrooms so far). 

You are already a few steps ahead of me in being proactive with your diagnosis. I ignored mine for 2 1/2 years before finally saying enough was enough. So 30 days isn't going to clear up 2.5 years of disease. So kudos to you for taking control of you health from the start! 


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