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Jill's First Whole 30


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Day 19!


7:30- Egg muffins, 1/2 avocado, coffee


12:30- Spaghetti squash pizza bake


6:30- Carnitas with sweet potato hash


Today I started getting a little resentful about the Whole 30. About a year ago I moved to Montgomery from Philadelphia. I didn't know anyone here and kinda struggled to make friends. Now I have a growing group of friends, but I feel myself pulling away because of Whole 30. I've met up with friends twice since starting, when I usually go out 2 or 3 times a week. We usually meet at one friend's house and they cook, but there's usually nothing compliant. I'm not going to force someone else to accommodate my way of eating when it's a choice, not a requirement, and I'm not going to go to someone's house for dinner and then not eat or bring my own food- that's rude. I'd invite people to my place, but I live in a one bedroom apartment and it gets crowded when there's even one other person here. One friend even went out of her way to get expensive compliant sausage, shrimp with no additives and made her own compliant spice mix, thinking she was making something that I could eat that everyone else would enjoy, but it's not because of fricking corn; so I spent another night alone with seltzer and carnitas. I do want to create better habits, and I do plan on seeing this through to 30 days, but if the long term expense is isolating myself because someone's making food that has corn in it, how is it worth it?

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Day 20! Only 10 days left!


7:30- Egg muffins, 1/2 avocado, coffee


12:30- Spaghetti squash pizza bake


6:30- Carnitas with sweet potato hash


Today was super busy at work and I was pretty tired when I got home, so the sugar dragon was safely tucked away for the day. Having food already prepared so I didn't have to think about what to do for dinner was nice. I thought about how, usually, I'd stop at a drive-thru on the way home.

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Day 21!


7:30- Egg muffins, 1/2 avocado, coffee


12:30- Leftover carnitas and hash


6:30- Steak salad with avocado and salsa verde


I didn't have any cravings today, but have yet to experience tiger blood. It honestly just felt like a normal day. Hopefully this means I've fallen into a habit.

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Day 22!

7:30- egg muffins, avocado, coffee

12:30- salad with carnitas, avocado, and salsa verde

6:30- Same thing

Mood was fine and sugar dragon came out for a bit. It's still like I don't think about these foods until I see someone else eating them.

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Day 24!


9:00- Eggs in purgatory and coffee


2:00- Carnitas with sweet potato hash and a peach


9:00- Carnitas, broccoli and avocado


The day started lazy, but then I had a work emergency and didn't have time to prepare anything for dinner. Energy and mood were fine. The sugar dragon still comes out, but a coworker gave me a peach she picked and it was almost too sweet for me. I'm hoping that will curb my tastes and keep me away from them when this is finished.

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Day 25! Home stretch!


7:30- Scrambled eggs with sausage and peppers, coffee


12:30- salad with Turkey, avocado, and salsa verde


9:00- Chicken salad with homemade mayo and avocados, carrots for scooping


I don't know why I decided to make my own mayo when I was already hungry and behind my eating schedule. But I did it and had a blender fail while adding the olive oil. My dog is still licking my kitchen wall. Also, I don't know if something I added to the mayo was off or something else I ate didn't agree with me, but I woke up at 2:30 AM with really bad intestinal cramps. I also felt pretty nauseous this morning.

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Day 26!


I was still feeling really nauseous and couldn't stomach the thought of food. I made some ginger tea (minus the honey) and that seemed to help. At around 12:00, I think I was the most hungry I've ever been in my life


12:30- Carnitas and sweet potato hash


6:30- Chicken and broccoli with avocado compound ghee


I don't know if I had a passing stomach bug or what, but it seems to have passed. I've been thinking a lot about reintroduction and figuring the logistics of that. I think, instead of continuing Whole 30, I'm going to see what I have a bad reaction and build my new diet plan around that. I have lost some weight (enough for my clothes to be loose, but not enough to go down a size), and while I know that's not the goal of the Whole 30, it is a long term goal. I think the Whole 30 has been a good starting point- it eliminated potentially harmful foods so I can see what foods I can really handle, it broke my sugar habit (The sugar dragon has gone back into hiding for the past few days!), and provided me with a clean pallet and good stepping off point.

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Day 27!!!

7:30- fried eggs, carrots and avocado

12:30- leftover chicken and broccoli with leftover compound avocado ghee

6:30- chicken, guacamole and salsa

Another day without the sugar dragon!!!!

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Day 28! Holy crap, I can't believe I'm going to finish this thing!


7:30- Fried eggs with salsa and avocado


12:30- Carnitas with salad


6:30- Carnitas with salad


Another day without the sugar dragon! The way my grocery store is laid out, you have to walk through the bakery to get to the produce section. Usually, I find this cruel and unusual punishment, but I was able to breeze past without a second glance! I stocked up on a couple small items for the beginning of reintroduction- some black beans, natural peanut butter (no sugar), and rice and corn. I'm excited to see how I react not only physically, but mentally/emotionally to foods. I've never felt a particular bond to legumes or non-gluten grains and I feel like those would be the easiest to reintroduce because I won't abuse those foods. I am kind of hoping I can't tolerate dairy or gluten anymore because those are the foods I abuse and they're probably triggers for me to eat sugar, too.

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DAY 29!!!! OMFG


7:30- egg muffins and coffee


12:30- steak and salad with avocado


6:30 steak and salad with avocado



I can't believe I'm going to finish this thing!!!! Another day without the sugar dragon, so I'm feeling pretty good, yet still cautious, about reintroduction. I'm not making a list of all the cheaty foods I can have soon, so that's good. I'm also trying to plan my reintroduction to include the least amount of sugar possible. No PB with honey in it, no breakfast breads, nothing with any added sweetener. I think this is doable, though I know most dairy has some sort of sweetener in it.

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DAY 30!!!!! HOLY CRAP. I DID IT!!!!!!

8:30- Egg muffins, avo, coffee

1:00- Avocado chicken salad with carrot sticks for dipping

6:30- Tostones, carnitas, and salsa


I can't believe I finished it! This is crazy! I was thinking about my NSV's the other day and I think my biggest is taming my sugar dragon. I can't believe I didn't eat anything sweeter than a banana for a whole month. I also relearned some self-discipline with eating and am getting into the habit of having food prepared rather than running to a drive thru every time I didn't feel like cooking from scratch. I'll write a longer post in Success stories, but I'll continue my reintroduction blogging.

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Day 31/Day 1 of Reintroduction

7:30- fried eggs and apple slices with peanut butter

12:30- Tostones, carnitas, salsa and black beans

6:30- Chicken and veggies stir fried with a little soy sauce


No immediate reactions and no cravings! I did have some trouble sleeping and had some crazy work dreams, but I think that has more to do with work stress.

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Day 32/Day 2 of Reintroduction

7:30- Egg muffins, avo, coffee

12:30- Carnitas and salad

6:30- Homemade plantain chips, salsa, carnitas, avocado


Reactions to legumes: I had some pain in my left ankle and right knee where I've had injuries several years ago and that continued through the day. I also noticed a minor rosacea flare up in the morning, but that cleared up by lunch. I didn't notice any strange cravings or the need to derail.

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Day 33/Day 3 of Reintroduction

7:30- Egg muffin, avocado, coffee

12:30- avocado chicken salad with carrot sticks and peppers for dipping

6:30- Fried eggs with salsa and avocado

Today was a mess. I went to made a pot roast in my slow cooker overnight and woke up to find I never plugged the darn thing in. So that was an expensive mistake. I was going to have the pot roast for lunch and dinner, so I was scrambling. The portion of chicken salad for lunch was less than I usually eat and I was starving by the time I got home. The chicken I put in the fridge to thaw was still pretty frozen, so I just cooked up some eggs. I usually don't like eating so many eggs in one day (not sure why), but I made it through.

The pain in my knee and ankle are gone and I still have that great, end of Whole 30 feeling, so I'm going to continue reintroduction with gluten free grains on Wednesday.

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Day 34/Day 4 of Reintroduction

7:30- Baked egg casserole with veggies and goat cheese

12:30- Salad with grilled chicken and shredded cheddar

6:30- chicken with homemade tomato sauce and mozzerella


So I was going to reintroduce non-gluten grains today, but my boss made this casserole. Once I found out everything (even the oil) was compliant except for the cheese, I decided to reintroduce dairy instead. I swapped out the corn in my salad for cheese (I keep the ingredient separate in case I have an immediate reaction from the previous meal) and decided to roll with it. I was a little nervous reintroducing dairy at work since I've heard that lactose intolerance rears it's ugly head within a couple hours, but it was all good. I've had no immediate reactions to dairy. Sticking with cheese may not be the most complete way to reintroduce dairy, but most other products like yogurt and ice cream have so much sugar or sweeteners in them and that's something I still want to avoid. I considered a little milk for my coffee, but I've become so accustomed to cold brewed black coffee, I really don't want to go back.

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Day 35/Reintroduce Day 5

7:30- egg muffins, avocado, coffee

12:30- leftover chicken with salsa and avo

6:30- plantain chips with carnitas, salsa and guacamole 

absolutely no physical reactions to dairy. I was really hungry throughout the day, though I think that has more to do with the time of the month rather than dairy. I wasn't even craving off plan food, just really hungry within an hour of eating which is pretty typical for that. 

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Day 36/Reintroduction day 6

7:30- egg muffins, avocado, coffee

12:30- carnitas and salad

6:30- plantain chips, salsa, carnitas, avocado


still no reactions to dairy. Going to try non-gluten grains on Saturday. 

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Day 37/Reintroduction day 7

8:30- fried eggs, corn salsa, avocado, coffee

2:30- carnitas, corn salsa, avocado 

8:00- sautéed tilapia and squash and rice

no reaction to non-gluten grains! I think I'm going to try soy on its own before I try gluten grains. 

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Day 38/Reintroduction Day 8

8:30- carnitas and salad

2:30- Sauteed Tilapia and squash

7:30- Carnitas and sweet potato hash

Still no reaction to non-gluten grains! In fact, my energy was a little better than usual! I am a bit nervous about trying gluten grains. I have a feeling they'll be a big trigger food, if I can even handle them. I think I'll wait until Wednesday/Thursday to try them since I have the days off and don't want to get sick at work.

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Day 39/Reintroduction Day 9

7:30- egg muffins, coffee (my avocados are still green!)

12:30- home made beef stew with sweet potato and veggies

6:30- carnitas and sweet potato hash 

still no reaction to nongluten grains. I've also started an at home workout program and am going to add that into my daily routine! So far so good!

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Day 40/Day 10 of Reintroduction

7:30- egg muffins, coffee

12:30- Beef Stew

6:30- Carnitas, plantains, salsa, guac

I can't believe I've gone 40 days without sugar! The sugar dragon did come out to play after my workout, but went away after I ate. I'm going to hold off on reintroducing gluten grains until Wednesday evening because at the least, it'll be a trigger food. I also think it could be the reason for my GI issues pre-Whole 30 since none of the other foods have made me feel bad. After two days of adding an exercise program to my daily routine, I've had a big spike in energy as well as a big spike in hunger, which leads to the sugar dragon coming out.

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Day 41/Day 11 of Reintroduction 

7:30- egg muffins, coffee, avocado toast

12:30- pot roast, mashed sweet potatoes, coconut cupcake (!)

6:30- plantains, carnitas, salsa, guac

So, gluten is the cause of pretty much every problem I have. I felt alright in the morning after my toast, but then my new neighbor introduced herself with cupcakes. I had one with her and felt sick within half an hour of eating it. Fortunately, the sugar dragon hasn't come out since and it was easy getting back on plan. 

So, that's it! Going forward, I think I'm going to transition to a more paleo style of eating with concentration on my portion sizes and weight loss. I still want to avoid a lot of the foods I've been avoiding, but it's good to know I can have some things without ruining everything I'm working towards. 

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