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Hey Hey Hey! Day 1

Matt Muller

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Hello Everyone,

I am very excited to begin another Whole 30.

I did one last July and had great results and am needing a refresher.

I am mostly trying to overcome some major crankiness and tiredness that have manifested lately and that I am associating with my diet especially sugar, alcohol and caffeine.

I have gotten pretty good at eating well most of the time in my daily life, but it is snacks and treats that pull me off course.

Thanks for all of your support.


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Our whole family just started today, too. Husband and I are doing it because we want to prove to ourselves that we can and to become more aware of our "rogue" eating habits. I'd also like to see if it helps me improve my sleep. And, like most women, if I drop some fat, that's not a bad thing either.

Mostly we are doing it for our 17 year old son and 12 year old daughter. Son has emotional and neurological issues and is a huge carb/dairy hound. We want him to feel empowered by taking control of these cravings, and to see if it helps with his mood, energy, sociability. Daughter has some minor skin conditions. I'd like to see if it's food-related.

We've been eating primal for about a year and thought we were ready to take it to the next level - especially the kids who are not nearly as compliant as my husband and me.

Nothing ventured nothing gained and it's only 30 days. Should be an illuminating ride!

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Great job guys :) I'm on day 9 and feel great! If you need accountability, like me, I would suggest posting your daily meals in "Your Whole30 Log". It definitely keeps me accountable, and it's great because after 30 days you can look back and see what you ate during your very first whole30 :)

Keep up the great work!

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Day 4.

Yesterday was tough. I had lots of little stresses and got very tired, low blood sugar, cranky, so I caved and had a mocha, then later a cookie. This is not surprising since I have tried to do whole 30s before and often fall apart at some point and then don't complete.

This time is different!

Back on the horse and commited to eating clean.

I just ate a great sauted veggie and sausage breakfast, I have a great salad lined up for lunch and there is a steak in the fridge for dinner!

Thanks everyone for your support!

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