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Christina - Day 1 (Again...and Again)


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Good Afternoon,

Today is my day 1 again! I have been off and on the past 3 months, I kept doing well for four days and then getting frustrated and binging on crap food, then back to paleo then back to crap. So you can say that I have gained some weight in the past few months doing this. The reason or excuse I had was I was training for a marathon and my runs were suffereing, barely able to hit 8 miles! Now that the race is done, I want to rebuild my body to be a paleo endurance athlete. I know the immediate benefits that I will feel from the Whole30, as a day or two in my heartburn always goes away and I do not need my meds! I am just scared to fail again, I want this to not only be a 30 day challenge but a lifestyle change.

My Goals for the next 30 days:

1.) Change my relationship with food, by listening to hunger signals, and eating to satisify not stuff. I am a binge eater, so this is a real challenge for me.

2.) Not feel bad about eating certain foods, knowing that what I am putting into my body is making me healthier.

3.) Lose inches and/or weight.

4.) Lift weights more (at least 3 times a week)

5.) Be a healthy example for my daughter, who is 4 and starting to mimic habits.

6.) Increase my water intake.

7.) Log my daily food intake.

I am open for construtive critism with my goals/food. Please feel free to correct me and move me in the right direction if I am not on the right track.

Food Log 10/10/12

BF - 2 eggs. 2 egg whites, brocolli sauteed in cocunut oil, 1/2 cup mixed berries

Sn - Apple

L - Shrimp, brocolli sauteed in cocunut oil, 1/2 haas avocado

D - nothing planned yet

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