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Yes it is day 8 ....I am so frustrated I cannot find non sugar catsup and tomato paste and any type of canned tomato. So after getting of on the wrong exit and driving for miles I bought a bunch of tomatoes to make my own. 

Breakfast yesterday was leftover dinner and I couldn't finish. Thank goodness one store had a Larabar so I had something for lunch.  Then roasted vegetables with ham for dinner . And last an orange. Drank more water today.. 

Morning coffee with compliant creamer

My breakfast today will be sausage and leftover veggies with an egg.

Lunch salad with chicken,mixed fruit if I can eat it all.

Dinner spaghetti squash homemade sauce 

Hope to get over slight constipation with dandelion tea.


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Where are you located?  I'm able to find tomatoes and tomato paste/sauce without sugar in most grocery stores.  I know your frustration though - there is sugar and soy in so many things!  Did you check the ingredients on your ham?  It's nearly impossible to find ham that's not cured with sugar.  Also, you probably already know this, but Larabars are for emergencies only - like being stuck on the tarmac in an airplane for 4 hours emergency :)  For the constipation,  making sure you are adding fat to each meal and drinking lots of water.  Taking a magnesium supplement will also help, and most of us are deficient in that mineral and need it anyways.



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I am in Tampa. I made ketchup and tomato sauce from tomatoes. I bought uncured Applegate ham no sugar. I ended up eating a Larabar when I took the wrong exit and ended up in St. Pete. an hour later I made it home. 1 larabar gone eaten slowly. First I screamed loudly in my car ....trust me it was an emergency.

I use fats at every meal and take calm at night. I think I just don't move enough. Trying but it will take time..I was in a bad accident and didn't drive for 9 years. Started again last March. 

What brand tomatoes do you buy with no sugar?

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I usually shop at Fresh Market and their brand of canned tomatoes is just tomatoes, salt and citric acid - same for the sauce and paste. Most Hunt's products are fine too.  Which Applegate ham do you buy?  I just looked at their website and it looks like all of them list cane sugar in the ingredients :(  

Sorry to hear you were in a bad accident.  Maybe the benefits of the Whole 30 will help you be able to move again.  And for the record, I LOVE Larabars, so much so, I can't even keep them around for emergencies anymore.  Hangnail - emergency!  LOL

Oh it just dawned on me - are you looking at the tomato ingredients or nutritional breakout?  All tomatoes have natural sugars, which are fine.  It's the ingredient list that matters.



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2 hours ago, Gmajune said:

I went to the same site and saw cane sugar...When I bought the ham I did look at the ingredients as well wish I had the package...When I go back I will check it out . It was recommends by my whole30 buddy ...darn hope I wasn't mistaken .  I will be whole 30 for at least two months anyway. But I will check it out and let you know. I saw sugar listed so I figured hunts was too good to be true. Thanks for the info I need all I can get.

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