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October 13th.


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Hey fellow whole30ers.

I'm loving this food blog idea, so I thought I'd attempt to jump on board and write all my intake/emotions.. the whole lot.

A little bit about me.

I'm starting today on Saturday the 13th. Why, you may ask.

I'm currently 167cm and last time I checked two days ago I weighed in at 71.9kg | 158lb .. roughly.

I'm generally curious and interested about nutrition and stumbled across paleo a few weeks ago and then the whole30 challenge.

I'm doing this to prove I can do this.

My goal simply is :Completing a challenge without an errors/cheats/excuses.

How: Writting down each meal I have, sticking to the guidelines (3 meals a day w each meal being provided with protein *hand size* fats *thumb size* and vegetables to fill up the plate. By also not having any snacks. Consuming 1-2 pieces a fruit a day (my down fall) and cutting back on my black coffee intake 1-2 a day.

I have no one else to prove to but myself.

My body deserves this. I do too.


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Turns out when you go out and order grilled chicken.. the dressing (lemon and herb) still contains sugar.

fail. epic fail.

Although I only consumed, eggs, avocado, coconut oil, coconut milk in my coffee, salad, salmon. I had sugar.

I started today on the right foot and eating at home (I feel like this will be an on going issue) 30 days hybernation? Well, all for the better.

B: 2 rashes of bacon, 2 eggs and 1 tomatoe with a handful of strawberries in coconut milk and 2 cups of black coffee.

Will post lunch and dinner later as I'm off to get some ingredients.

Just wanted to check my weight properly to have a comparision - 72 kilos is what I weighed in.


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