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Whole30 Success!!


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Completed my first whole30 two days ago and I am feeling fantastic!  Successes: 

  • Sleeping great - so much better than I have for years
  • Tons of energy - all through the day, not feeling the up and down
  • No snacking!!  Friends and coworkers would tease me about my need to eat something every 2 or 3 hours ("she's still on the bottle feeding schedule") - totally gone now
  • New meaning in my life of "well-fed" - I feel satisfied and complete after a meal - sustained - not stuffed or overindulging
  • Feeling good about myself and my food choices - it's so empowering.  Not giving in to temptation and then feeling guilty or down on myself for making bad choices
  • Weight loss - 7.5 pounds!  Even while eating what felt like a lot.  Was constantly hungry and tired the first week but everything changed the longer I stayed on the program and reversed my dependency on quick sugar and carbs for energy
  • Tiger blood!!!!! Just to feel that way was worth all the chopping and obsessing about my food

Now I am looking forward to continuing to learn how to navigate the food choices I want to make.  The toughest part has been maintaining a busy professional life with lots of business events, many of which occur over meals.  I timed my Whole30 for a less busy time of year and that helped.  I reintroduced dairy yesterday and did feel some minor negative effects.  I will plan to continue to avoid it whenever possible but will know I can eat small amounts occasionally without dire consequences.  What's interesting is that I don't even care about passing up all kinds of temptations and things I thought I couldn't live without.  Optimal health is my new goal.  Thanks to everyone for sharing this great program and for all the great support and inspiration!!  


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Good for you!  My results and feelings were very similar.   Additional bonus:   Reduction of sleep and anxiety meds in half.  I have chronic headaches, and have reduced the need for my daily pain meds.  Most exciting of all:  Brought my cholesterol levels down by several points into a mostly normal range.  Since my doctor wanted to start me on statins, this is huge!  I am 3 weeks post W30 and in the middle of gradual reintroductions, and so far doing just fine.

Keep up the great work!

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