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Starting 10/13


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A few months ago I attempted to do the Whole 30 and while the first week went swimmingly I fell off in a big way. I think I was so disappointed in myself that I just decided it wasn't for me. Well neither had been paleo, trying to just eat healthy etc. After months of self hating, I am over giving myself a pity party and ready to do the work to be the best me I can be. Tomorrow I will start and this time, I will not quit. I have read the book from start to finish and have gone grocery shopping. I can't to start the rest of my life tomorrow!

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You can both do it.  Make sure you have compliant food around you all the time, even if it means a bunch of cooking.  Having some pre-cooked roasted potatoes and veggies (brussel sprouts work great) in the fridge ready to go has helped me immensely.  Those tiny potatoes roasted on a piece of tin foil and covered with olive oil make a great fat for breakfast  and are very easy and help you keep your carbs up so you don't get hungry for other non-compliant foods.  I always have some ground meat in the freezer for quick protein too. And the chicken meatballs from the whole 30 book are a little work to make but travel well so I usually keep them on hand.  Wholly guacamole mini-cups have been my savior when I need a fat quickly to stem some cravings.

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