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Day 6- 10/17


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Hey everyone!! I'm on day 6 of my first whole30. I'm feeling pretty good. Day 2 was riddled with horrible headaches and fatigue but I haven't experienced any other symptoms like the time line suggests. This makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong honestly! I haven't had a single cheat and have been eating great. I haven't been to the gym like I hoped but maybe when I get a little more energy that will change. Has anyone else not experienced any symptoms? I've been eating three whole meals and occasionally some fruit as a snack. 

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Hi Kerrigan!

It's funny because I came on to write the exact same question! I'm into day 4 of my Whole30 and I've felt great the whole time. No headaches, fatigue, etc. I was a little sluggish during my morning yoga routine, but I think that has more to do with not getting to bed early enough last night. I have also been super careful and completely on plan.

The only thing that I can think of is that I ate fairly healthy before starting Whole30. I would eat a donut here or there, but maybe twice a month and I've always eaten a ton of fresh fruits and veggies. I'm actually feeling great! All of my symptoms of food intolerance have disappeared and I haven't experienced any cravings. Except I do have quite the sweet tooth so I've been eating about one apple a day to satiate and it works really well.

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