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The journey of a newbie - Day 17


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Today is Day 17...time is flying by!  It's not been hard but I wouldn't say it's been easy either...below is how I felt throughout this journey so far :P

Day 1 to 4 - I felt great, so proud of myself for starting this program and making changes to my diet.  Nothing major happened, I was excited and keen!

Day 5 - My stomach was a little funny, movements were simply not like pre whole30.

Day 6 - I had a terrible sleep, I woke up with a funny stomach again and I was tired all day.

Day 7 - Terrible sleep again with an odd gut, I was tired and had the shakes!  Not the greatest day!

Day 8 - Stomach was settling down a little, I was a bit bloated but had SO MUCH energy!  I raced up the peak and felt amazing!

Day 9 - It was a very busy Monday at work, I had no appetite and my stomach was still not 100%.

Day 10 - I woke up with a headache and had sugar cravings after lunch which was settled by a frozen banana and coconut shreds (I know we are supposed to push it aside but I felt the need!)

Day 11 - One of the best sleeps I've had, however, I woke up still needing more sleep, it was BAD.

Day 12 - I was very sleep still, I had no energy in the morning but the afternoon was much better after a coffee with coconut milk.

Day 13 - I had a burst of energy in the morning, I felt great, but after lunch...I started feeling tired again.  My stomach was acting up and I had minor sugar cravings which I fend off with green tea :)

Day 14 - I had one of the worst sleeps, felt extremely tired and sleepy from 2 - 6pm.  I had a nap before dinner and passed out shortly after I ate.

Day 15 - I went for my usual Sunday walk up the peak, this time I was exhausted!  The energy from last week was long gone...my stomach was not right again but I think it's the steamed spinach I had for dinner the night before.  Yes, spinach, of all things!  I'll test it out again next week to see if spinach upsets my stomach.  It's happened pre whole30 but I refused to believe such lovely veg would be so mean!

Day 16 - Monday blues, I was tired, sleepy, and my stomach was really bad.  I cured it with walnut pesto, hard boiled egg, and lots of salad leaves for lunch.  I was so tired that I didn't even work out...

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