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Starting October 22

Dan W

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Hi everyone,

My name is Dan and I started my Whole 30 today. Anyone else start today?

Had a bit of a rocky start actually -- I was "off the wagon" from my regular healthy eating habits for a couple weeks due to travel and woke up with an ear infection this morning -- a nice reminder of what not eating well and getting out-of-sync will do to me!

That said, I committed to starting the Whole 30 today and so started anyway, annoying ear be damned! I've still gotta eat right? ;-)

I am a 42 year-old single Dad with part-time custody of boys 6 and 9. I live in Phoenix, AZ.

Three years ago, I was diagnosed with Celiac disease, severe acid reflux and adrenal fatigue -- all due to crushing stress. Part of that was my Dad dying from lung cancer (healthy guy, non-smoker) -- I have vowed to prevent that in myself if I can. I know healthy food is the answer and have already proved that post-Celiac diagnosis.

I worked with nutritionists to get my diet gluten-free and healthy and with a naturopath to get my immune system and hormone levels better than normal. I am 5'8, 145 lbs and am now in the shape of my life.

The last straw was weaning off Prilosec (wicked stuff)! I went on a three month elimination diet (no soy, dairy, nuts, eggs) and weaned off the drug without rebound in August. I am drug free for the first time in three years and it feels great!

I am doing the Whole 30 to take it up a notch. I've had a day here/day there of incredible energy - I want to capture that permanently! I am totally inspired by all the posts here!

To keep myself accountable I have blogged my story and goals here: http://is.gd/QP34eP

I'll keep posting at regular intervals/milestones.

In the meantime, thanks for your inspiration! I'm psyched!


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Hi, Dan. I started my Whole 30 on September 24, the day after my birthday. The previous week was a transition week for me as I cut out snacks, stevia, sugar alcohols, and changed from butter to ghee. I was already Paleo for about 3 years, but never without stevia! Vegetables taste sweet to me now. I have even cut back on fruit. I am taking Magnesium to stay regular. Tonight, I made a huge salad with homemade chicken tenders and had Pumpkin Custard for "dessert." We had company and I put a little honey in theirs and had mine without. It was great. I am trying new recpes, love having veggies at breakfast, and today I was thinking about steak. I hope to have some soon! So are you still egg free? Great job getting off all the meds.

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