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breaks, Stevia, and Vega

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Thank you whole 30! And thank you for your time

 Have you ever started something and then had trouble finishing it and wondered if it was because of your diet? 

Hi, I'm Nikki 

I am currently on day 2 and have dived right into making my body the best that I can. I have three kids 10, 13 and 15 . Two boys who currently have autism and a combined ADHD (which a new topic will be created for them soon related to diet) and a 15yr old daughter. Wow! Yes!! I love a good challange with kids and holidays 

I noticed my body declining this year and my choices seemed almost impossible to make good ones around diet. I have known for the last three years to cut sugar out....I just didn't.. I would eat healthy/ whole 30 approved but then I would get a crazy craving and figure I would buy a "treat" for the kids and then before I got home it was already eaten. Then I would consume even more....ridiculous amounts.  I thought there was no hope for me to change. To fully get off sugar, but then I signed up for the young living success summit and I came across Jessica Dietrich who Gave a talk on our guts! I was surprised to hear that 90% of our thoughts go through our guts first! Sending these signals up to our brains. Did you know we have a nervous system in our guts???

Well this was news to me. I started to put things together, and it has not been easy as I came across her video in November and it is now December and I am on my day 2. However the reference whole30 was in her references which I dove into after having a serious sugar crash which brought on constipation and terrible itchy eczema.  

I have started to read "it starts with food" and I dont quite understand the "breaks" thing if anyone out there cares to elaborate a little on that... 

Also Vega! Wow. A while ago, like 10 years I started to take Vega.  After a while my body started to reject it. I thought to myself there has to be a way we can live creating the foods we want to eat by growing them ourselves and not having to support these huge companies to get our vitamins and minerals. More and more I am realizing we need less "added" vitamins and minerals when we eat real raw foods and foods that don't have added folic acid and preservatives and things I can not pronounce.

Although with a plant grade Stevia would that not be okay to continue to take as it does not alter hormones? Or at least I believed it not to.

So, here's the thing. I came across a mocha chocolate Vega and i was loving it...except i was still craving sugar and yummy pastries...and it has Stevia in it. Also it is made with pea protein...also it has "natural mocha flavour" how can mocha flavour be good for someone who is trying to balance theitheir hormones? And what kind of Stevia do they use? 

So with the knowledge I have come to know over the last few days, I have cut Vega out and I am strictly following my plan. I have reservations with potatoes and Bananas.... I feel they might trigger me but I hope not ... has anyone else had similar vega experiences? 

Well I havefallen short a number of times with diet. This time is different. I want this! I see the choice now... healthy or unhealthy ... and does it support me psychologically? Hormonally? In my gut? And in my immunity and brings down inflammation. 

I am set for success 

Hence the name "I am disciplined and empowered" I was also hoping you would say it out loud so it could be a residual affirmative statement for all 

Thanks for your time.  I look forward to hearing from you and keeping in contact along this beautiful journey of restoring health and achieving goals To have that strong lean body, and a clean positive brain that creates more positive thoughts then negetive. 

power run on sentence there.

Truly determined, 


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