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R 1 needed a change


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I am on R1D8 I needed this! I had a very rough year with my daughter being diagnosed with cancer and then passing away in Sept 2016. I ate to numb the pain during treatment and then I drank after she died. I needed to break the hold of food and alcohol. I'm still in a deep grief but I need to feel it not cover it. I've lost over 20lbs and look forward to the scale and NS victories! This and exercise are the only time I feel in control like I have a choice!


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I am so sorry for your loss. As a mother, I cannot imagine a greater pain then losing your child. I also wanted to offer my support and encouragement as you work to get yourself to a better place with good and alcohol. I commend you on your strength and commitment. 


I'm on day 7 of my first whole30. If you ever need or want a buddy to discuss the challenges, benefits, excitement and fear of the program, I'm here...going through it with you. :-)

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