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Is cold-pressed HIGH OLEIC sunflower oil Whole30 approved for regular use?


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I know seed oils are not the best choice for the Whole30 diet due to the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) which can trigger inflammation.   I read this instagram post https://www.instagram.com/p/BKJH0KKBC69/?hl=en.  It sounds like the high oleic version of sunflower oil has significantly less polyunsaturated fats (hence decreasing inflammation potential).  Is cold-pressed high oleic sunflower oil just as  good as extra virgin olive oil? 

Also, is cold pressed high oleic sunflower oil Whole30 approved to regularly use (without heating) at home like in home-made mayo and salad dressings?  Also, is the high oleic sunflower oil Whole30 approved to use at home as a primary cooking oil/fat?  I'm guessing that the high oleic sunflower oil would be fine to use regularly cold (in mayo or salad dressing) but I'm guessing not as a primary cooking oil.  I'm assuming the heating process would create oxidation to occur and obviously that's not a good thing . 

I like  the taste high oleic sunflower oil much better than the traditional Whole30 cooking oils like extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil.  Ghee/clarified butter is not an option for me.  I have already read the section "Limit Your Vegetable Oils" in this link, which was very helpful:  http://whole30.com/2015/01/rules-recommendations/  If cold pressed high oleic sunflower is ok to use, does anyone have any suggestions about a good brand to use?






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