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Day two!


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Just started my first Whole30 yesterday! I was going to wait until Feb. 1st, but decided to start right away and minimize the temptation to go 'Fat Tuesday' all week and weekend and then suffer the extra-heavy withdrawal. So far, feeling great! The only thing I notice is that I'll have SO MUCH ENERGY for an hour or so, and then feel like I could lay under my desk and nap. Hoping this is normal :) I think I may have had too much coffee this morning, so the energy swings might from that.  I haven't experienced the bad headache yet, but I know I just started yesterday, so maybe tomorrow? I think the biggest challenge for me will be abstaining from my nightly glass(es) of wine, just because it's such a social thing for my husband and I. My plan is to just try to stay busy!



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