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Concerns: All or Nothing


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Hi All!

It's been a few days since completing my Whole 30 and I really loved the program. I have yet to reintroduce anything, but I'm attending a party this weekend and think I will have a few drinks. The reason I haven't reintroduced anything yet is because I'm nervous that it will ruin my progress. It's not that I don't miss dark chocolate or wine, I just feel like I don't really need them and I think the success I had with the program is because it was so rigid. I feel a really weird anxiety around the first off-plan food/drink - did anyone else feel similar?

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Yup.  I planned in advance to have alcohol for the first two reintroduction nights. due to pre-existing plans. I thought it would be a nice way to then ease into the rest of reintroduction.  The others aren't kidding when the recommend going slow! I had a few small glasses of wine over several hours the first night, and woke up the next day feeling like I'd been hit by a truck. That night,   I took it slower, and made sure to eat enough, only to find I couldn't sleep through the night. I'm actually relieved to be back on the Whole30 days, and feel so much better today.  I'll still move forward with the rest of reintroduction, to see how my body reacts, but have realized that I wouldn't care if I never ate bread or pasta again, or dairy for that matter, aside from the inconvenience of having to order around those ingredients at restaurants. 

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