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No gallbladder, enzymes to aid in fat digestion?

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My gallbladder has been removed and I suffer from horrible bouts of diverticulitis. Since being on the program I have found my diverticulitis hasn't been an issue (Horray) but I find sometimes when I consume to much fat I feel a bit nauseous and overall kinda crummy. Without a gallbladder I have read a few posts of ppl saying to use probiotics and enzymes to help absorb fats like omega 3s, but no one says what enzymes they have used and if they were successful...soo has anyone used enzymes? What were they and did they work? Thx 

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Hi Danika, 

I also do not have a gall bladder. I've never used enzymes, but I will say that I've noticed a difference depending on the type of fat that I'm consuming. I found that animal fats are much harder for me to digest, especially butter (even ghee), but that olive oil, coconut oil, and other plant based fats are much easier. Also, how much is too much fat? I find that on Whole30 I may be consciously eating fats with my meals, but it isn't necessarily more fat than I would be eating in my diet if I wasn't on Whole30 (unless I was specifically following a low fat diet). 

It looks like this article names a few enzymes/supplements that can help as well, but I haven't tried them myself: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-142002/What-ease-digestion-gall-bladder-removal.html 


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@Danika Martin Good on you for being so in-tune with your body! I have IBS in addition to no gall bladder and I've got no clear idea of correlations between what I'm eating and gut symptoms! I just know that sometimes I have cramps and other symptoms and other times I don't - I find it hard to identify my triggers, so I really applaud you.

@TryingOver thanks for the link

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