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Delayed reintroductions


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hello! I was loving Whole30 so much that I did not dive right into reintroductions. I started reintroductios on Day 40. I did dairy and had no major issues. Then on day 45 I did non-gluten grains. I felt like I had more cravings and a little bit of a headache, but they aren't things I plan to keep in regularly anyways. Then on Day 46, I was not planning to do reintroductions but I had friends in town and it was the perfect day weatherwise so I decided to get vegan ice cream (toasted coconut), I am hoping the only reintro I did there was sugar. It gave me a headache pretty much right away which was not shocking. Then later on Day 46, I accidentally reintroduced soybean oil, which gave me a stomach ache. Not sure if anyone else has experienced this? It seems that soybean oil shouldn't necessarily have soy protein (according to some stuff I read online) so I am not sure if I have a soy sensitivity or not, will need to retest. However, my question is, I still need to reintroduce gluten but over the next few days I have work travel and will not have as much control over my food. I would rather expand my diet to eat things that didn't cause much distress- dairy and non-gluten grains for my quick trip since its hard to be whole30 while travelling and at work meetings with food provided. then come back, do whole30 for a few days and then try gluten. Would this work or do I really need to keep non-whole30 foods to a minimum until I am able to test all of the food groups?

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