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Day 29...ONE more day!


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I have always had a sensitive stomach. Many years, I have struggled with stress, worry and possible food allergies upsetting my stomach. If I have a rich meal out with friends it typically results in throwing up or running for the restroom. This past summer was the worst I have felt. I blamed my stomach issues on travelling and being out of routine, eating some rich meals, but even when I went back to normal eating my stomach did not improve.

I went to the doctor's a few times, where I had blood tests, exams and ultrasounds. At first they thought it could be colitis, my gall bladder or possibly even Crones. Thankfully, those results came back clear, however I still was not feeling better. My doctor said I was lactose intolerant, possible gluten intolerant and had IBS. Nothing was found with a true diagnosis or plan for feeling better. I asked how I would find out about gluten intolerance and was told to try eliminating it for a few weeks and then reintroduce it. I knew without a solid and structured plan that I wouldn't follow any of an elimination diet. Through my own research I stumbled upon Whole30. Doctors and specialists that I talked to said they thought it was a great plan for me, so I took on the challenge- and luckily, so did my boyfriend. Out of support and wanting to feel better himself, he took on Whole30 with me which was such a blessing.

I kept a Google doc of my daily eating, activity and feelings throughout the weeks. I noticed that I started off feeling a little tired and grumpy and eventually started feeling better and better. We have been sleeping better, my stomach wasn't upset and my energy level have been consistent throughout the day. Yes, I am tired by 9pm but I am also up before 6am. Black coffee vs. a little creamer or soy lattes was a bit of a challenge for me- but now I enjoy black coffee and do not need any more than a cup. I do not miss pasta, grains, cheese, etc. but I do miss my wine. We live in SF and have had a hearty amount of fun events- baseball games (world series!), football games, Oktoberfest, Fleet Week, and even family events where we are the only ones not enjoying a beverage. That was tough. I, myself, love to bake. I also LOVE fall and pumpkin spice anything. We found a pumpkin smoothie recipe and a pumpkin pancake recipe that were both Whole30 compliant and possibly my saving grace. I miss my pumpkin bread and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, but I am sure I will be reminded of not feeling well as soon as I reintroduce those baked goods.

I plan on skipping the step of reintroducing dairy. I look forward to my glass of wine (on Halloween) and seeing how this process goes. Other than an occasional treat and enjoying wine again, I feel like the elimination of soy, gluten and dairy have truly helped me. I will definitely enjoy having non-gluten grains (rice) again- here and there, but I do not foresee a reliance on them on the dinner plate.

I look forward to weighing myself tomorrow and taking my “After†shot. I already know I went down a pants size and have had many friends compliment me. My boyfriend looks great and has definitely had more dramatic results. The Whole30 wasn't necessarily easy, but it got easier and easier as time went on- especially with having a partner for support. I see how this has changed our perspective on food and I look forward to keeping a much happier tummy. I feel so great!

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