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My Whole 30 Log! April 25-May 24


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Woke up really excited about getting started.  I read a lot of the book last night so I'm pretty clear on what I can and can't have, and have some recipe ideas.  Today I ate a LOT of veggies and I'm feeling a bit bloated, but also full and happy.  I'm getting nervous about not eating bread for 30 days, I usually have a yeast-free dimplemeyer rye toast for breakfast, and even so it's just 1 piece it feels strange going without it... I guess that's one of the benefits, seeing how attached we are to particular foods!

Looking forward to seeing how this all unfolds...

Lots of love,



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Hi. I am starting my second whole30 4/26. So we are on a similar timetable. Perhaps we can support each other.

I did great on my first one about a year ago but have gradually been slipping into old habits and gaining some weight back.  I am mildly diabetic and control it with a very low carb diet and my blood sugar readings are going up also,  so lots of incentives.

My first one went very well and I noticed benefits at 3 weeks.   Felt better in many ways.  Lost weight although that wasn't one of my goals.  This time it is, as well as getting my blood sugar readings back into normal range and beating my dairy dragon.  Sugar isn't a big problem for me but I find that eating a little starts mild cravings.  Better to leave it alone  Same with bread and other grains.

I will be away from home next week without a proper kitchen and eating most of my meals in restaurants so that will be a challenge.

Good luck with your whole30.  It is a great thing to do for your health and well being.  Make sure you eat plenty delicious foods that are allowed so you don't feel hungry, which can lead to failure.  Hang in there.  


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Thanks so much, Artistcam!  Yes, let's support each other for sure.  That's wonderful that you were able to complete your first one so well.  Best of luck with eating out!

I'm getting hungry already on Day 1 but it must be just psychological... I'll take your advice and plan some delicious meals!

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Hi Artistcam,

It's been a bumpy ride so far but I've managed to hang on.  I think part of it may be due to something I just read from Ladyshanny, I have a history of anxiety and depression and I think cutting out the starches started making it worse.  I had potatoes last night and feel much better, I will have a serving of starchy veggies every day and hopefully that will help.

Today I feel really excited about the journey, I looked up some recipes over the weekend and will be making some fun new dishes.  A friend of mine who did the whole30 recommended a chicken dish with shredded coconut that looks delicious.  Last night my husband made me an amazing steak so that was a wonderful meal.

I think for me it's all about remembering the reasons why I'm doing this, which is to reconnect with myself, my food, and see it as an opportunity for self-care.  My meditation teacher had a great suggestion, to schedule some self-care time each and every day, where I do something for me, whatever I feel like doing in that moment. It could be as little as 10 minutes a day, but something purely for me.  Today I will take 30 minutes at lunch time, and instead of eating my delicious steak salad at my desk, I will take a walk, enjoy it, and treat myself so a chai latte with almond milk or some other tasty, compliant drink as I read my book.  Right now I'm reading "Grist for the Mill" by Ram Dass and loving it.

Best of luck with your journey!  Do you have a sense of what is making it hard for you to stick to it this time around?

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So I am on day 7!  Felt a lot of sleepiness and low mood over the weekend, but I'm starting to feel better today.

I've noticed that my Whole 30 is coupled with a big decision I made at work, last week I gave notice that I am stepping down from the management position that I've been given temporarily to go back to my home position of a senior analyst.  I realize that while I love coaching, motivating and inspiring people, being a manager in government is fraught with all other types of responsibilities and challenges that I am just not well suited for, or interested in taking on at this time.

So I'm going back to my comfortable job, where I get to do good work, take lunch breaks, go home to my family and just have a slower pace in general.  The overachiever in me tells me that quitting something that is more prestigious is such a cop out, that I am a terrible person for doing so.  My heart and soul thank me for the decision, and tell me to trust that there will be other opportunities to be of service that are more aligned with what is good for me.

I also teach yoga and meditation, so going back to my home position will allow me more time and energy to do that.  I feel that is my true calling, so I'm grateful that I will be able to live and teach my passion more fully.

So my Whole 30 is a reconnect.  With myself, my food, my life.  I recall when I tried so hard to be a vegetarian because my yoga teacher told me I had to, and it felt so so wrong for me.  My body craves meat and thrives on it, so allowing myself to eat it and enjoy it (while trying my best to get it from sources where the suffering to the animals is lessened), is part of honouring myself as well.

I love that I'm learning to listen to my body and respond to it.  I love that I can now say no to my husband when he tells me that I should join him for a glass of wine, because I was doing it for him, rather than for me.  I hope that even beyond my whole 30, I'll be better at only having things when I really want to, not when I feel others need me to.

In general I'm learning to listen to myself and put myself first, because only then can I be truly helpful to others.  It feels scary, exciting, and like real growth.

Lots of love,


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Sounds like you are doing great at bringing balance to your life and enjoying your Whole30 journey.

i think timing is what is making sticking to Whole30 more difficult than the first time.  I am on a vacation now and sticking about 90%.  Then my birthday in 2 weeks with parties planned then at the end of 30 days we will be visiting family in New York where we won't have full control over what is served to us.  So, my plan is to eat as close to Whole30 as I can and later on in the year do a strict W30.

i love your post regarding meditation and listening to your body.  I remember my short stint many years ago as a vegetarian.  My heart liked the idea but my body needed animal protein to feel good.  

Good luck on your journey.  

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1 hour ago, Namaste2017 said:

It's been a bumpy ride so far but I've managed to hang on.  I think part of it may be due to something I just read from Ladyshanny, I have a history of anxiety and depression and I think cutting out the starches started making it worse.  I had potatoes last night and feel much better, I will have a serving of starchy veggies every day and hopefully that will help.

...this resonates with me on so many levels! Also, I've come to the point where potatoes are my ultimate comfort food: the best feel-good taste I could ever want. I wonder why? I think I need to go look up the physiological/psychological reasons that individuals with a history of anxiety/depression do poorly with lower starch intake...? This is fascinating.

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Thanks for your comment, Shii!  It is very interesting.  Last night I was debating between salad and sweet potatoes as a side and deciding to add the sweet potatoes was hugely important.  I wasn't feeling so well and was starving, after the meal with the sweet potatoes I was a new woman.

It reminds me of a book title from long ago "Potatoes, not Prozac."  I never read the book but I think the title may be onto something...

Today is Day 10 and I have a bit of the whole "why am I doing this again??" thing going on.  I'm so glad that the Whole 30 says Day 10-11 are the hardest, because that makes me certain that I'm going to push through!

Last night I didn't pack my lunch so it was much harder for me to run out and find compliant things near my office.  I will buckle down tonight and do some meal planning and prep... 

Tonight we're having the cauliflower mash and ratatouille from the book, it looks delicious.  I'll need to add some protein too so maybe some poached eggs on top... should be yummy!

For breakfast today I had celery, avocado, and some almond butter and tahini, it was easy and quite yummy and satisfying.  I may do the same tomorrow.

I notice I've been quite angry at my family lately, but I think it's healthy that I'm noticing these things and rethinking my boundaries and role in the family.  I think the sugar and dairy kind of dampen my emotions, now that I'm "cleaner" I really feel more, so I'll make space to process some of the things that are coming up.

This is an interesting process for sure!  Looking forward to seeing how it all unfolds...

Lots of love,



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Day 11 is a good day.

I had the celery, avocado, tahini and almond butter for breakfast and am getting a bit tired of it.  I'm glad tomorrow is the weekend so I'll make eggs for the whole family.

Lunch was delicious sashimi and wakame salad, as well as some leftovers from dinner (ratatouille and cauliflower mash).

Tonight we're having the stuffed peppers and kale.

Last night after dinner I had a delicious snack - frozen berries, apple sauce, a bit of coconut cream, coconut flakes, flax and carob.  Delicious!  I think I will have one again tonight :-)

I'm feeling a lot of pain in the body but I think this has to do with my meditation practice, sometimes it brings up aches and pains that are hard to manage.  Tomorrow morning I will do some yoga and breathing so that should help.

Looking forward to a fun, whole 30 weekend ahead!  I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.



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DAY 14

I was so hungry yesterday, and felt like throwing in the towel.  I started to question whether it was wrong to cut out whole grains and thought that I would never feel full without them, but it turned out I was really, really hungry and just needed to eat more food.  I am underestimating how much I need to eat to feel satisfied on this diet, so I'm upping my servings and adding some snacks.  After doing that yesterday and this morning, I am feeling much better already.  I'm also going to have some potatoes, sweet potatoes and carrots for dinner tonight so that should help my low moods.

I'm starting to take a look at my real motivation for doing this whole 30.  I made a decision not to pursue the management track at work, and instead opted to return to my senior advisor job that allows me to have more space and time for myself and my family.  I was acting in the manager role for a while, for the second time, and again I was feeling overwhelmed, unfulfilled, and on the brink of depression.  Although in my mind I felt this was a good opportunity and part of me really liked feeling so effective and empowered rushing around all day doing "important" things, my belly kept telling me to get out.

Finally a few weeks ago I told my boss that I am going back in August.  My belly is happy, but my mind is telling me that I am failure, that not pushing myself is a cop-out.  That I am not enough.  I know these thoughts are not true, but they are very powerful.  My whole 30 was a way to take charge of a part of my life, reconnect myself with food and wellness, and confirm that the little things we do in life are as important as the big things.

I still feel a lot of guilt, shame and anger around work, and around my family's expectations of me, my own expectations of me, and feeling that I am not meeting them.  But it is a work in progress, and I will trust in the process.

Today I will focus on small pleasures, small successes, and the ways that I can be helpful to others each and every day, regardless of my job or title.  This feels uplifting, and authentic.

Lots of love,


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DAY 15

Feeling quite good today.  I feel rested, and very clear.  I see the cloak of unworthiness that has plagued me all my life, not feeling good enough.  This had led to over-eating, under-eating, overachieving and burning out, and a whole host of other problems.  Just not good enough.

I change that now, I choose to change the story.  Eating whole, clean foods is a reset, not just physical but also mental and spiritual.  I become who I am in each moment, and I no longer allow the past to define me.  I am enough.  I am kind and present, driven and motivated to serve.  I do my best in each situation, and I follow my heart.

I don't need to achieve in order to feel loved, to have value to feel whole.  Just being is enough.  Like a beautiful flower can brighten a whole room, each one of us has a light that is worthy of shining, just as it is.  Nothing more needed.

My wish for myself and all beings is that we always remember that within us we have everything we need to be happy.  And that we remind one another.  A connected whole of goodness.  It may just save the world.

Lots of love,


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DAY 16

Tiger blood!  So grateful for the Whole 30 and recharging my life in this way.

I am loving the food and the feeling of eating clean clean clean.  I have a new coaching client today which I am psyched about, I'm starting to feel that my dreams can come true, it is about staying connected to what is truly important day after day, and trusting that over others' opinions of what is right.

Starting with food is great, eating what I know is good for me, testing it out for myself, staying connected to my inner knowing.  Listening to the inside voice, the quiet one, not the external ones.  It is a good feeling.

Looking forward to lunch at bareburger!  Delicious...

Lots of love,


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DAY 18.  I can't believe I'm doing this!

I'm not tired anymore, and not hungry all day long.  I am eating well, feeling well and loving it!  So grateful for the Whole 30, this Forum and everyone who made this possible.

I love the feeling of going downhill, more done than left to go!

We had the Thai coconut soup from the Whole 30 book last night, and more for lunch today.  Delicious!  And suprisingly filling.

Looking forward to a fun Mother's Day, Whole 30 weekend ahead :-)

Happy Mother's Day to everyone, mothers and children alike!

Lots of love,


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DAY 21

I find it quite funny that my journey is very much aligned with the timelines provided by the Whole 30.  Just yesterday I started to crave eating normally again, for Mother's Day I would have loved a flourless, dark chocolate cake... but I'm still trucking along and doing well.  

Tonight we're trying the cauliflower rice for the first time with a coconut curry fish so I'm excited!

I'm getting tired of raw veggies for breakfast, tomorrow I'll have some steamed veggies with tahini and nuts I think, that will be a nice change.

Getting close to the finish line!  Woohoo!

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Hi Namaste and Artistcam, I plugged in "getting tired of this" and found your conversation.  I'm on day 23 and I have not cheated one little bit.  I'm proud of that.  I am not feeling very energetic, in fact I'm feeling generally tired.  I'm sleeping very well, and I'm exercising same as before I started (I swim about 10,000 yards a week with a master's swim team, and I workout with a trainer ...cross training 2 days a week).. I'm energized for the workouts.  During daily life activities, I have found that I'm dragging.  I read that the energy comes at different times for different people.  (I was very energized during week 2!! and that was fantastic)... also, my WHOLE30 partner came down with a yeast infection about a week ago, so she decided to stop the whole30.  I recommended that she read the "women only" chats on the forum.  I think I'll be fine as far as the energy and getting through this...but...another thing my W30 partner stated was that she had done some reading where she learned some opinions which disagreed with the W30 approach...so dumb me... I read some of them.  I still feel very strong about making the correct decision about completing this plan.  I know that the world will provide criticism for anything and anyone, but I should have waited until I was finished with W30...  do either of you have any words of wisdom for me??  thank you in advance!! and congratulations for your hard work in doing this plan a second time.

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Hi Lynnegunn,

I totally hear you on "getting tired of this"!  That is so great that you have managed so far and are staying strong.  I am sorry you are feeling tired, when I went through that phase I read a lot of the "troubleshooting" posts and went back to the template meals - palm size protein, 2-3 cups veggies, 1-2 thumbs fats, and that helped a lot.  I eat a lot more fat now than I did at the beginning, and I think that has helped my energy levels as well.

You work out A LOT so perhaps you also need more food overall?  Do you do the pre and post workout meals?

In terms of the bad reviews, I read those too as I wanted to understand that I was getting into.  I would say that regardless of what the critics say, there is no harm in taking out some foods, some of which we all know are bad for us, some of which we need to try out for ourselves, and then reintroducing to see what happens.  Ultimately you come out the other side with a better understanding of your body and what you need.

Do you have a sense of how other factors in your life may be affecting your tiredness?  I find when I'm stressed or emotional about something I get tired before actually processing the emotions... I definitely had a lot of anger come up during this whole 30 and before seeing the anger I would just be really, really tired.

Best of luck, Lynnegunn!  You got this!


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DAY 24!

I can't believe it, I'm almost done!

I have loved this experience and am so grateful for the whole Whole 30 team, especially the forum.

Last night I went to Chipotle and had a steak salad with guacamole, if anyone needs to eat out I would greatly recommend this!

I'm starting to get a bit worried about reintroduction as I only have a few days before I go on a trip to Spain... I will have to make a good plan as to how I'm going to do this.

I may break it down day by day and see what it would look like so it's easier to stick to.  I'll start reading up on reintroduction now so I can start to get informed.

Enjoy the day, everyone!



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DAY 25

I'm starting to feel ready to move on... but still have 5 days to go!  I may try some new recipes these last few days to get me through the funk... hopefully we'll get some nice weather on the weekend so my husband can barbeque a delicious steak for me...

Also starting to get curious about my weight, I think I'm about the same, may have even gained a few pounds from all the fats and liberal amounts of fruits, nuts, and a few too many Lara Bars but we shall see!  I am feeling great so that is what matters, and I didn't need to lose weight to begin with.

Reflecting on the whole experience so far, I think it's a great thing to do about once a year for me, Spring seemed to have been a great choice.  It's a great reset, and from here I can start making some thoughtful choices about food. 

Frankly, I think it will be harder with some things like alcohol and cheese, where I don't miss them at all but my husband loves both so it will be challenging to refrain from it.  Hopefully the strength I've gained through this process will make it easier to say NO if I don't really, truly want it.

We are also off to Spain June 1 so that will be a challenge!  I feel up to it though, and there are some really great whole foods in Spain that I will happily indulge in, and moderately partake in the ones that turn out not to be so great for me.

Going to go read about reintroduction now!



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DAY 29

I can't believe it, I'm almost done.  I'm actually a bit sad today, I think I really enjoyed this whole project and feeling like I was achieving something.  After tomorrow it will be more like normal life again (although still a bit different with reintroduction), but I feel like I'm letting go of the specialness of being on the whole 30.

I think my work moving forward is continuing to eat Whole 30-ish, but also working on my life beyond food, knowing that I am worthy and special and valuable just as I am, whether I am on a special diet or not, whether I am thin or not, whether I am achieving a lot or not.

We all have inherent value just for being human, for being ourselves, but so often we lose this in the pursuit of some other, better way to be.

But there is only this moment, and we can only make the best choices we can, one moment a a time.

Ultimately our choices, day to day, make up our life, so choices well made, about food and life in general, will create a beautiful life.

Looking forward to the next stage...

Much love,



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DAY 30 is here!!!!  So exciting :-)  My hubby picked out the bottle of wine (Rose!) that we will have tomorrow to celebrate, I will be looking up a nice shrimp compliant dish to have with it.

Day 30 is a bit of a double-edged sword, it is so great to have finished, but in a way the hard part is just beginning... first of all the diet stays basically the same for a while longer, which friends and fam have a hard time understanding (isn't it just 30 days?  Why no toast tomorrow? Well... I'm testing alcohol tomorrow... blah blah....)

The even harder part, which I will post about separately, is applying the great lessons learned throughout the Whole 30 (being firm about what you are doing, connecting with intention, not allowing peer pressure to get the best of you...) to every day eating and every day life.  Such a wonderful and challenging journey ahead!

For now though, time to celebrate... I am DONE my first Whole 30 today!!!!   Woohoo!!!!

Lots of love,


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