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Keetha's first Whole30


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I start tomorrow. I have a feeling I'm going to wake in the morning already excited about it!

Today I'm going to make Classic Beef Soup, Morning Mixup for breakfast before work tomorrow, and prep Citrus Chicken for us to have tomorrow night for dinner. I got ISWF over the weekend and have read it cover to cover - so much great information.

For me, I think the key is going to be planning, planning, planning. Having good, healthy compliant food at the ready will be a must.

Work but so worth it!

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Welcome! You and I are in practically the same place (Day 4 for me!)

One thing I've learned already is that I underestimated how much food I would eat. I made what seemed like a ton of food on Sunday thinking that it was a weeks worth, and found myself cooking again last night!

For me, as I sat on the fence, the one thing that pushed me over to this side was "well fed." It's a fantastic cook book! Pretty much everything I've eaten this week has come from this book! I love her info on the weekly cook up! As I flipped through the book looking at all the pictures of the delicious looking food, I couldn't imagine eating like this and feeling deprived. So far, it's been true!

Good luck on your journey!

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Thanks for the welcome! I've been looking at that cookbook and your comment decided it - I'm getting it today!

Day One went, well, far better than I may have expected. I didn't get hungry, which is a big, huge plus. (Every other plan I've tried - including calorie-restricted healthy, clean foods, Weight Watchers - I felt like I was hungry all the time! That may have been the low fat.)

Food log Day One:

Morning Mix and roasted broccoli

Classic Beef Stew

handful of grapes and sunflower seeds mid afternoon

Italian Pork Roast (which I believe was from The Clothes Make the Girl blog) and Brussels sprouts sauteed in coconut oil and bacon fat (YUM!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Erin was sweet enough to respond to a post elsewhere about the Whole30. Her kind words gave me the nerve to come back here and update.

Um, yes, well, I lasted about 48 hours and then I caved. And let me tell you: It's been downhill every since. I feel gross, too, not just guilt and chagrin but like, physically bad because I'm eating crap. Eating crap makes me feel like crap.

So stop! I tell myself a dozen times a day.

Like their post said, maybe attempting the Whole 30 during the holidays wasn't the brightest of moves. I'm awfully dispirited and disappointed in myself. It's making me doubt whether I'll ever have the fortitude to actually do it.

I guess here comes January?

Thanks, everyone!

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