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Van Ran

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I have had the book for a while. It's been sitting in my iPad. I've read through it probably three times now, I can recite the rules from the heart. :D I believe it's time I start my Whole30 journey. And here's why:

1) Lately, I have been experiencing some really weird things. I have been constipated and feeling bloated. My husband and I live a pretty on-the-go constantly kind of life. He even jokes around and tells our friends that I am a stay-at-home wife who rarely ever gets to stay home and when I am home, I still work. In the majority of early spring and fall, we live on fast food. I think that is the culprit of these really weird things that is happening to my body, and yes, S O D A. When I am not busy though, I do cook all our meals at home, putting extra care into what we put in our bodies. 

2) Soda puts my body in a serious whack. It gives me the worst headaches. How do I know this, you ask? Every time I get those headaches, soon as I put the soda down, the HEADACHES go away. So i have been on and off the carbonated drinks. It's not hard for me to give up, I know what it does to my body and it scares me.

3) Weight gain. I know how to lose it, I've done it before, but i want something that sticks. I want something concrete. I want to lose the weight and still eat great food. 

4) My husband has blood pressure problems. It is currently being controlled with meds. He has a great doctor who keeps him in check. I am the only cook/chef my husband trusts, except everything to him is perception. If I told him I am putting him and I through the Whole 30 regimen, he is going to fight with every ounce of his being to not eat the food that I put on the table. he also loves his cookies, cakes, candy and chips. He loves his treats. So, i am going to have to figure out a way to wean him off of that for 30 days.  

5) I'm aware we aren't getting any younger. It is troublesome when your financial advisor and investment broker advices you to sign up for Term Life insurance, on top of your ROTH IRAs and  money market accounts in your mid-30s. As much as it a smart financial move, it is also acknowledging where we are really headed. Nobody wants to think about that, but that has been what we have been doing in the past few months: Getting our stuff ironed out before it is too late. I understand that it isn't all about finances, so I have decided on making Whole30 a part of these decisions. Will I be able to talk my husband into doing this with me? I don't know, but I sure hope he decides to join me. 

I'm hoping to start before June begins. So by the time things get busy again, we will have gone through the first 7 days, which I know will be harder on him than for me. I don't have as much of this built in desire for junk food, chips, cookies and treats, and candy. The only couple of things that I will have to get used to is to do without rice... I am a full blooded, rice-eating A S I A N and the other thing, MILK and some sugar in my COFFEE each morning. ;) 

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