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Made it to Day 30!!!! Now the journey begins...


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I am so proud of myself for even starting this program, never mind finishing it today.  I have had battles with food and self-esteem my whole life, and while I was eating pretty healthy before, really drilling down on things that were causing havoc for my mental health was something I had wanted to try.  I love Dr. Kelly Brogan and she advocates for a diet very similar to Whole 30 in order to keep depression in check and live a whole-hearted, intention-filled life.

Throughout the 30 days I have battled with deepening depression (which was overcome through starchy veggies, running outside, and working with my deepest thoughts and feelings through journalling, yoga, meditation and talking with friends and family), peer pressure (overcome by coming to understand the reasons WHY this is important to me and communicating these reasons), sugar cravings (overcome through the broccoli and chicken test), and self-doubt (a continual journey of learning to love myself at deeper levels and value the process, not the outcome, no matter what I am doing.)

Now comes the hard part!  My aim as I move into reintroduction and further into every day life, is to keep the lessons of the Whole 30 close to my heart.  Only I know what is right for me, and I know that through experimentation.  At the same time, there are like-minded people in the world that can help me overcome my struggles as I continue to live a whole-hearted life.  Less is more.  People may think I am missing out by not eating certain things, and by not going after every material or achievement-oriented experience that comes my way.  But a simple life lived in peace and harmony, loving myself and others, is my utmost priority and I will stick to it, no matter what.

There will be struggles, there will be falls.  But the Whole 30 is always there to come back to, as are our deepest dreams and intentions.  We can go off-course but we will always find our way back to our hearts and what is best for us.  Ultimately, whatever is best for us is also best for everyone around us, because they will benefit from our presence, energy and love.

Looking forward to the journey!

Lots of love,


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Hi Victoriajon,

Things are going pretty well, thanks!  Reintroduction was quite good for me, I noticed that even the gluten-free grains gave me a pretty bloated and heavy feeling and lower mood, which was surprising, and I also did not do great with dairy.

After reintro I went on vacation and noticed some crazy shifts in mood, especially once sugar and alcohol were brought back on a regular basis.  I've learned that for me, sadly sugar and alcohol and mostly off-limits, unless I'm ok with feeling quite depressed for a day or two after.  Grains will also have to be kept in check, but there are some that are better than others (Dimplemeyer yeast-free rye bread for breakfast, 1 slice, seems to be ok for some reason).

So overall a lot of experimentation and not beating myself up for going off the rails... I think this whole thing needs to be based on self-love and self-acceptance to reap real, long lasting rewards.

Best of luck on your journey!

Lots of love,



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