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K2 W30 Log (Start Date 6/17)


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Today is Day 1.

Weighed myself this morning to get a baseline, because I'm not kidding myself.  One reason I'm doing a W30 is to clean up my act and lose weight, but do it in a sustainable, healthy way.



- Address the psychological issues around food...too much eating when bored, frustrated, excited, or just for some comfort.

- Learn to shop and prepare for good foods in a sustainable way.  I've been depending on spouse to do all the shopping and cooking and that isn't working for me--and he doesn't want to change.

- Make the essence of Whole 30 my normal.  Seriously considering making this a Whole 90...just to make sure I develop sustainable habits.  (Hmmm...that may be fear talking.)


For the past 5 days, I've been "practicing".  Trying out new compliant meals, making sure my kitchen/pantry/fridge/freezer is set up for success.  Not overdoing, but not restricting myself either.

I learned some important things:

- I really do feel better eating clean.  Even though I wasn't really doing a W30 yet, I felt better cutting grains out of my diet.  This shouldn't be news to me, but I instantly felt better.

- I enjoy cooking...but not for meals.  Thank heavens I also enjoy eating leftovers.  For me, it is better to eat dinner, then do some cooking for the next day in a relaxed, happy way.  I don't like the pressure of cooking things in time for dinner.  I'd rather throw together some pre-prepared things for dinner, then cook some basics to have on hand.

- I adore homemade Balsamic Vinaigrette.

- I can make homemade mayonnaise easily.

- Shopping is time consuming (and expensive).  Need to get some lists going and have them handy so I don't buy too much or too little.  Good to have a list of staples for this new way of eating.


Some challenges I'm anticipating:

- Kicking diet soda.

- The social coffee stop:  Starbucks for a cappuccino or sweetened tea.  I don't like sugar in my coffee, but do like milk or cream sometimes.  (I'll order some nutpods.)

- Father's Day dinner out with family

- Spouse and his junk food.  (Good thing that I don't really like the same kinds of junk food.)

- Demands of busy days, i.e., dog shows where I'm too busy to eat and typically grab some junk fast food on the way home because I'm starving.

- Upcoming, demanding, business trip around Day 28

I know I can handle these challenges, but acknowledge I will be tested.


Things I want to get done today to help me be successful:

- IP some more hard boiled eggs.  Love them!

- Based on what I'm actually eating, get a paper list with pen on my refrigerator to make shopping easier. (Wonder if Alexa would be easier for me?)


Things I could do, but may not get to since I'm off to dog training this afternoon.

- Empty out the canned good pantry...primarily so I can identify what's in there that could be useful.

- Sous Vide the chicken thighs then cook with almond meal for dinner.

- Grill the artichokes I cooked yesterday for flavor.

- Learn how to use my new smoker and cook the ribs I have in the freezer.  Tasty and easy meal.



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