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Team Downs First Whole30

Jen Downs

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Getting a jump start on Team Downs first Whole30 starting Monday July 24th!!!

My husband, Bobby, and I are starting our first Whole30 at my request.  I am 48 and am starting to see the signs in my body of the beating it has taken due to food choices all my life.  I have read a lot on different philosophies and Whole30 aligns with what I am seeing and I can't wait to feel the differences.

We are a bit nervous but also so excited to make the change and to feel better.  Would welcome any thoughts or suggestions as we march ahead.

Back with more on Day 1.

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Here we go...Day 1.  My husband and I are so excited to feel better.  We are prepared for the hills and valleys to come for sure.

Started our day early with a great walk and then an awesome breakfast of eggs scrambled with spinach, onions and half a burger patty we BBQ'd last night, whole 30 compliant of course, and some fruit.  So good.

We made our own clarified butter...super easy and a process we will do going forward forever.  What a difference.

Made mayo last night and it whipped up great with my immersion blender, but the EVOO we used was bad or it's just not the best product to use, so back to it again today with avocado oil from Costco as recommended by other posters - THANK YOU!

Looking forward to the rest of the meals today and KUDOS to my husband for drinking black coffee today and then switching to tea because that is his preference.

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We are starting Day 8, and had a great week.  I missed on day 1 by taking Airborne for my cold without reading the label! UGH 

But 1 day is better than a slip on day 15!!!

My husband struggles with what to drink, he is bored with water and tea.  I think he eats a bit too much fruit, but it is summer in Texas, he works outside a lot and is hot.  So that is what sounds refreshing to him.  And he gets lots of physical activity.

Our favorite meal this week was baked salmon with roasted veggies.  And our favorite Whole30 condiment is the Roasted Red Pepper sauce - YUMMY!!!!  We have had that on everything.

Meal planning, shopping and prep were so much easier also, because we know what to expect in terms of leftovers, what we like and what goes together.  Other than turkey burgers to have on hand for lunches, my husband loves them, we are not repeating anything but trying a week of new recipes.

I was able to navigate a work trip, picked up compliant meals at Snap Kitchen and had a work lunch at True Food Kitchen in Houston successfully with an awesome salad with steak.

This week brings a work dinner at a fancy restaurant, so a bit of advance planning should insure I can navigate that also.

No issue with wanting alcohol.  The weekend was restful at home and there was one time I wanted some Andy's custard but it passed and I had watermelon instead.

I feel great, I know every day will be better and better.  This week I want to incorporate more workouts into my schedule.

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  • 2 weeks later...

DAY 16....what an awesome ride.

We can see permanent positive changes.  Husband and I feel so good, we look at processed foods in the grocery and it literally turns our stomach at the amount of crap we have put into our systems over the years.

The food choices are diverse and while yes they take prep, we love getting in the kitchen together and filling up our fridge with yummy options to last us through the week.

Yesterday was shopping day and between Costco and Kroger, we spent $160 on groceries.  ALL MEALS FOR FIVE DAYS FOR TWO PEOPLE!! That is amazing and a testament to the fact that this does not have to cost more than normal.

I am struggling with finding meats that are great options, so that will be our next adventure.  Finding places in the DFW area where we can source quality chicken, turkey, pork and beef.

Foggy brain is gone, energy is through the roof, we are tired at the end of the day, but a natural tired, not a crash.  I am still not sleeping well, I think that is more because of the hot flashes and age seems to have me waking up around 2:ooam and not being able to fall asleep, my brain is wandering in a big way.

We have made it through business dinners and lunches and eating out with little to no issue.  The only issue was over the weekend, being at my moms and she drinks flavored coffee, she didn't have the label to read, but guessing there was a bit of sugar, so I kept it to minimal drinking.  Could feel the gurgling and gassy noises in my stomach and the very quick bathroom stop and can only attribute to the sugar in the coffee as I do not have that problem with my normal at home.  So interesting to notice the changes and what affects me.

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