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Sarah's whole30 log

Sarah Sue

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I did a VERY successful whole30 5 years ago and since then have restarted whole30 about 6 or 7 times.  I usually do it on a whim.  Tomorrow, I declare, I am starting whole30!  With no shopping, no planning, just do it! YOLO, right?  Not.  I think this has been my downfall, as by lunchtime I'm eating whatever the rest of my family eats.  I also don't have my goals super strong in my mind.  I want to lose weight, I also want to feel better, have more energy and feel less bloated.  If the ringing in my ears went away, I wouldn't complain about that.  

My first whole30 was when I had just turned 39, so I was just verging on my 40s.  Little did I know that the 40s would come and BAM!  Weight would hang on for it's dear life.  

I am not looking to lose a ton of weight, just 5-10 pounds.  It' more like, I want to fit in my work clothes when school starts in September.  

I think my other main downfall is the fact that I am scale-obsessed. If I see any success on the scale, I keep that in the back of my head during the day and eat more, or worse stuff because I 'lost' weight. I really need my scale to be gone also.  

My family is not super supportive either, which is tough.  My kids just don't understand it and my son is super into cooking recently.  He only wants to make pancakes and Mac and cheese, so I feel bad not eating his food he is so proud of making.


These are my struggle.  Today I plan and let my son cook his meals so I can eat them.  Tomorrow, whole30!  bye bye scale!


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Okay.  So today wasn't my first day, as I didn't make it to Trader Joe's yet.  But I went today and am set for tomorrow!  I have compliant bacon, ghee and all sorts of fun veggies.  I am ready to take this on!  I am both excited to give up beer and nervous about a week long visit at a friend's house where drinking is a big part of our time together.

I am also sad the scale is leaving.  I will weigh myself one more time tomorrow and bid farewell to the scale.



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  • 4 months later...

OH MY GOD!  I cannot do a whole30 again!  Here I am, January 1st, probably weighing 3 more pounds than I did last August.  I have gained 4 pounds since last new year.  Which doesn't sound like a lot to most people, but it does add up.   I am wanting to spontaneously start today, Jan 1st, 2018.  I am going to my in-laws house to visit tomorrow, which is difficult, as they are vegetarians who eat a lot of bread and beans.  ARRRRGHHH!  


AND I will miss my lattes!


I just got my husband a French press, so I can now make good black coffee.


I really want this.  today.  now.

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