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Iammommy4 Journal


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I completed my first whole30, plus a few days, a couple of months ago.  I didn't do the reintroduction phase well as we went to Hawaii and  ordered pizza one night to our room.  I didn't think there would be much harm in having a couple of slices of pizza.  I had been feeling better than ever but the day after the pizza was THE.WORST.DAY.EVER.  I had a terrible headache, was dizzy, and just not feeling well; that knocked me out for the day in Hawaii.  I am on day 5 of my second round and it is much easier this time so far.  Day 2 and 3 I struggled slightly with cravings but it went away quickly enough and I am back to feeling well.  

I didn't start this journey for weight loss alone, although my clothes felt soooo much better after my  30 plus days were up.  I started this program to stop tracking, stop obsessing and stop the sugar binge and restrict cycle I have been on my entire lift.  It worked.  It is amazing how well it worked, how satiated I feel, and how good I feel.  I have done Eating for Life, Atkins, just low carb, weight watchers, nutri-system, Beachbody's 21 day fix...I have never felt this good and felt like I could sustain the changes for life.  I do now.  I can't wait to see how this round goes!

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Hey there!

I am considering starting another Whole30 - Round 2! Similar situation happened to me. I finished my 1st Whole 30 on July 31, but then went to visit a college friend. We went to all of our favorite eating out places and that pretty much sent me on a downward spiral of my previous habits - fast food, sweets in the afternoon, blah blah, blech. :( All of the weight I lost, I gained right back and clothes are fitting snug again. 

It's encouraging to hear that the second time around is going well. What day are you on now? Any advice?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow.  Thanks for sharing.  I am on my first whole30 and I can just see each of those scenarios playing out the same way for me.  So now I know, I will have to  be super careful and follow the re-introduction properly.  I hope I won't just go back to my old ways, because I also feel pretty good and darned proud even if it is only 7 so far. 

Good luck with your round twos!!!!!


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