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Nina's W30 Jounal - Back again!


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Hi all

As I wrote in the introduction thread:

"It's been a long time since I've done a Whole30...TOO LONG!!

I am now in a situation where I've put weight back on, I feel like crud and I'm not as strong as I'd like to be. It's been a tough few years with a son who has spent much time in the hospital and me stress eating and putting my own health on the back burner. Now I have hip arthritis and am looking at hip replacement surgery in mid November.  I need to get my $&?@ together and get my health in order. 

My goals:

- Slay the sugar dragon

 - Reduce inflammation 

- Feel more in control and eliminate the stress eating

- Sleep better

- Improve overall health

- Lose weight (it really does need to happen to help ensure a smooth surgery experience)

Glad to have others on the journey with me!"


I went shopping last night for all the W30 essentials and woke up ready to start!


Meal 1:

3 eggs, zucchini and onion scrambled in pink Himalayan sea salt ghee 

4 baby orange bell peppers

1 cup mixed blackberries and raspberries 

1 cup coffee


 I think one of my hurdles will be eating 3 meals a day as I've been eating two meals a day (crap food with crap snacks).  Any tips for getting the lunch meal in?






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