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MikeM's Whole 30 Food Log


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9/19 Day Two.  Lunch = 2 grilled hamburger patties and a large green salad with onions, peppers, and cherry tomatoes.  Top with the balsamic vinegrette from the Whole 30 book.  Will need to adjust recipe as this was too oily for me (need more vinegar).  Not that I didn't eat the salad!

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9/20  Day Three  Lunch = felt terrible and didn't eat anything.  Mistake though, I should have tried something.

                           Dinner = Grilled London Broil marinaded with the Whole30 recipe marinade. Seasoned with Paleo Powder.  Roasted califlower seasoned with olive oil and Cave Gourmet Lemon Pepper (was really good).  Had a cup of decaf and a whole apple about 30 minutes after dinner.  I didn't feel like eating again, but I did, and surpisingly, it made me feel better!  LOL  So good that I had my first really hard craving tonight.  Gosh I wanted a cookie or piece of cake.  I got through it, but it was tough.


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9/22 Day Five!  Breakfast = scrambled eggs with onion, tomato, and spinach.  3 cups black coffee.  Didn't sleep all that well last night.  Kept waking up. Hope this was just a "one off" as sleep seems to be improving.  Still have this little "queasy" feeling in my stomach that oddly goes away for a bit when I eat.  Never feel quite right.  Hope this goes away.

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9/23 Day 6!  Lunch = banana, 1/2 leftover pork chop, handful of baby carrots

                      Dinner = Smoked brisket, Smoked turkey (no sauce), green salad, shrimp with Whole30 compliant cocktail sauce.  Ate at Shelia's house with a bunch of people, first chance to socialize and it went ok.  We were only there 3 hours.  Hardest part was not having a beer with the boys.  Easier since they were all Joanne's friends.  I'm not ready to socialize with my friends.

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9/24 Day 7 Dinner =  Chicken K-Bobs, roasted sweet potatoes, apple, decaf.   I slept horrible last night (Saturday night) and tried to take a nap in the middle of the afternoon Sunday.  between the dog and Joanne, I didn't get much sleep and it left me very groggy until Jo suggested we go swimming.  I stayed up until 9:15 or so.

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9/25  Day 8  Breakfast = Scrambled eggs (3) with spinach, onions, peppers, and tomatoes.  I slept better last night, although I woke up a few times.  I had been sleeping good Wed-Fri nights last week, so this was a little disappointing, but it WAS better last night.  Still lots of cravings on and off, strongest after dinner.

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9/26  Day 9  Breakfast = scrambled eggs with tomato, spinach, pepper, onion.  Black coffee.  Got up at 5, because Jo had to be at work early.  Slept ok, but woke up a lot, had to pee twice.  This morning poop was not as good as they had been.  Maybe too much olive oil?  Anyway, feeling a little better each day.  Need to get a good walk in today.

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9/26  Day 9.  Did a 4.5 mile hike at Queeny Park.  Damn near killed me!  LOL  LOTS of steep hills.  Proud of myself for doing it, but my legs are killing me.  Might have been too much too soon.  Will see how I feel tomorrow before I do that again.  Maybe Des Peres park?

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