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Stellere's Whole30 - fit by forty!


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I've spent years wishing that I had better control over my eating habits. I eat too much sugar, snack too much, go pick up lunch too often. After I turned 29, I swore to myself that I would be fit by thirty. 10 years later, nothing's changed. I currently weigh 169 pounds, which at 5'2 puts my BMI at 30.9 - just a smidge into the obese range. 

I want to:

  • feel better about myself
  • have more energy
  • be a positive influence on my students - it's kind of ironic for a fat teacher to preach healthy living to the little people in her care
  • actually want to have my photo taken

The steps I want to take:

  • Whole30 for the month of October
  • at least one hour of walking every day (good for me and the dog)
  • better sleep hygiene (go to bed earlier, turn off electronics earlier, create a calmer evening routine)
  • pack my lunch every day
  • switch coffee for tea

Well, here we go!

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9:00 breakfast - 3 eggs, potatoes, pan-fried tomato and broccoli. (Fat: everything cooked in olive oil)

1:00 lunch - chicken leg, laing (Filipino dish made from taro leaves, coconut milk, and shrimp paste), radishes and a pickle. Not pictured: banana and a spoonful of coconut butter.

7:30 supper- steak, roasted Brussels sprouts, garlic sweet potatoes (fat: avocado oil for cooking, olive oil added to yams). Not pictured: 2 small clementines.

I drank water throughout the day. I also had black tea at breakfast, mint tea in the afternoon, and green tea with supper. The mint tea was key in helping me ignore the popcorn smell at the movie theatre!

I walked 70 minutes, split into two walks.

Overall, a great first day with delicious food!





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Up before the sun today to walk the dog before work!

7:15 breakfast - 1/2 sweet potato, broccoli, 3 soft-boiled eggs, olive oil, black tea

12:30 lunch - leftovers from yesterday: steak, garlic yams, Brussels sprouts, 2 small clementines

4:00 snack - apple

7:00 supper (not photographed) - cauliflower rice, chicken breast, big spoonful of coconut butter, medjool date

I walked 65 minutes today.

I'm feeling pretty good today! My energy is steady, and I wasn't tempted by snacks at a long meeting (well, except for the apple...I needed something to keep me awake).

P.S. I realize that my food looks kind of ugly, but I promise that it was delicious. What can I say...I'm not a food photographer!



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