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I survived a messy food party!


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I'm on Day 6, and going strong, though definitely feeling little tugs of longing for "treats". And feeling lots more feelings. It been really good this time around to explore what my body/mind/self really need versus what my brain thinks we should go toward. Sometimes it's painful to have to sit with it, but generally I'm feeling really curious and getting lots of clarity.

Today my 7 year old and I went to a party that a friend puts on called "kids day". Total madness, where kids rule, and parents have to participate. It's super fun, held outside, and we played lots of old school messy games including plates of whipped cream that became pies in the face, and tying donuts to a strings and trying to eat it off the string without using your hands. And then one where you an your partner try to feed each other chocolate pudding with your eyes closed. Holy shamoly, there was sugar everywhere. And, the sugary treats were part of the fun action. I am feeling so proud of myself because I somehow found a way to have a ton of fun while bowing out of the sugary games, at least on the receiving end. I should say that I totally love getting crazy messy, so it was hard to have to hold back. I know some parents are reading this and thinking I'm nuts for even wanting to have jello smeared on my face;)  But I'm committed to this Whole 30, largely as a spiritual practice. -Trying to be present with cravings. So it felt like a good exploration. Honestly, when I started this 30 days, I never would have imagined that I would be confronted with how to handle the situation of getting smeared with sugary foods, but hey I guess I got this one. At least this time. One thing that really struck me was how strong all that sugar smelled, and we were outside in a park! At first it smelled amazing, then it started to smell really gross, and when I drove my kid home I felt nauseous from that overpowering smell of sugar all over his clothes and hair. Now he's in the bath thank goodness, and I'm lying here writing this before I get up and make us a Whole 30 chicken taco dinner (lettuce wraps for me, and tortillas for the family). 

Suppose I should mention that I also avoided the mimosas, cold beer, cheese, fritos and pretty much all the snacks, though I did munch happily on one slice of watermelon and a few pistachios. In the past I would have felt super deprived, but mostly it was just fine. I sure would love a cocktail right now, but I keep reminding myself that I'm choosing this time to clear out and pay attention and try to jump out of habitual behavior.

I wanted to share all this... for myself as a record and affirmation... and because it was so damn funny to say "No you can't smash that whip cream in my face! I'm on The Whole 30!"


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