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I’m starting tomorrow and another girl Lana just started today. We should all be a support system since we have close start dates! She started a topic today about hers just recently. I’m excited to keep in touch with other people to make this time around easier for me and feel like I have more support! 


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I will be using a lot of foods I learned I did well with from my previous Whole30, but would love some new ideas too if you have any! For this week, I bought lots of eggs, avocados, kale and other greens, cauliflower, zucchini, brussels sprouts, asparagus, Pork chops, chicken thighs, legs, and breasts, and then we have a bunch of wild game in our freezer (deer and elk) that we are trying to eat up because my fiance starts hunting season tomorrow, so we will hopefully be having elk steak for dinner! :P 

Tomorrow I will probably make a breakfast cauliflower rice stir fry. I know it sounds weird, but I fell in love through my last whole30. I blend a head of cauliflower at the beginning of the week and keep the rice in a container so I can quickly fry it up for breakfasts  (or other meals). I usually do mushrooms, onions, diced sweet potatoes (sometimes), garlic, and I add hemp or flax seeds for protein as well because I usually don't eat meat in my breakfast unless I eat out or on a weekend day.  When the veggies are sauteed, i add the rice and cook for a few minutes. Then make a hole in the middle of the pan with the veggies around it, crack 2 eggs in the middle, scramble them, and then mix it all together. I sometimes add a little coconut aminos and sesame oil, or I'll even do other spice flavors like italian seasoning. Bacon or sausage would be great in this as well. 

I will probably follow a 4 meal a day plan because I am really active in my job and in my free time. the 2 in between meals I am never as sure about so your advice would be appreciated. I always go to salad, but I get sick of it after a while. I found making chicken tenders with coconut flour and having them with sweet potato fries or other sides is good, so I may try to make a big batch of those tomorrow to have for a few lunches. I may also roast some brussels sprouts and make this amazing spinach dip I found on Paleo Running Momma's website. Its so delicious. Made of coconut milk, spinach, artichokes, nutritional yeast, mayo, and some spices. She has a bunch of great recipes I want to try this time around. I also want to try the salmon cakes from the whole30 book. They look like a really good lunch option. 

Dinner will probably almost always a meat (steak, pork chop, chicken thighs etc) cooked by my fiance, and then I'll probably be cooking a lot of squash since its in season and lots of roasted veggies. 

I am going to try and stay away from snacking this time around, which is my biggest downfall and what usually leads to more cravings. I bought some fruit but am really going to try only eat it in meals, and I am keeping nut butters and nuts out of the house because they are a "food with no brakes" for me. 

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