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Starting 11/26 - 30 days 'till Christmas


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Day 8 and holding strong. Overall, it has been a pretty easy transition-- I don't miss bread and milk-- it is all about the sugar that I miss. I personally feel like I am in the kitchen ALL the time. I have identified my car as a HUGE trigger so a side benefit is that I am staying home (allows me to cook) and I am getting a bunch of stuff done around the house.

Best side effect to date: I have stopped snoring and am sleeping better overall since Day 1!

Biggest win: I made chocolate chip cookies for hubbie and son last week-- no licking the bowl and no cookies eaten- and I am totally cool with that.

Biggest lesson: organic, pasture raised beef tastes sooooo much better than the grocery store stuff. Made stew with 1/2 and 1/2 and even my son could tell the difference.

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Need help, I was starting to feel under the weather yesterday and took two servings of Emergen-C throughout the day. It just dawned on me about the sugar in it and I check the ingredients and each serving has 6 grams of sugar. Does this mean I have to start over? I'm so totally bummed cause I've had such an awesome week and I didn't even think about the sugar I was drinking in my "hope to get better" drink.

Any thoughts and also anything else I should take to kick this cold that's whole30 approved? I've already been sick - got horribly sick week of thanksgiving. Thanks!

I was sick at the beginning of my whole30. And I don't know how 'under the weather' you are feeling, but I was developing a sinus infection. I woke up feeling awful, congested, and with a bad sore throat. After a week of this, I just bit the bullet and went to the doctor and he put me on an anti-biotic. I have read a few posts how the whole30 doesn't want to get in the way of medicine you need. I was trying to let the sickness ride out, but I wasn't getting any luck. I'd say give it a couple days, and depending on how bad it is, go ahead and go to the doctor.

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Awesome...I'm right with you on the day...day 8 starts tomorrow...and hopefully the headaches are behind us. I'm really interested in the Kombucha...obviously your digestion issues are helped by the kombucha, in what way?

I consider myself 90% paleo and whole30 compliant even when I'm not doing a whole30, and even then, I sometimes won't go to the bathroom for a day or two. So I think I have some digestion issues. I guess I don't necessarily feel bloated or anything even when I go that long without going to the bathroom, but it sometimes frustrates me when I'm trying to lose a little extra weight and I feel like even if you're eating healthy, if you aren't going to the bathroom how much can you be losing? I might be way off, but hopefully the kombucha will help. I've also tried magnesium, but didn't make a huge difference. I guess I'll just keep trying stuff.

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I consider myself 90% paleo and whole30 compliant even when I'm not doing a whole30, and even then, I sometimes won't go to the bathroom for a day or two. So I think I have some digestion issues. I guess I don't necessarily feel bloated or anything even when I go that long without going to the bathroom, but it sometimes frustrates me when I'm trying to lose a little extra weight and I feel like even if you're eating healthy, if you aren't going to the bathroom how much can you be losing? I might be way off, but hopefully the kombucha will help. I've also tried magnesium, but didn't make a huge difference. I guess I'll just keep trying stuff.

I have had the same issue all my life...so I am interested to hear if this helps. Right now I drink "super slimming tea" made by Triple Leaf Tea...which seems to help...but the directions state not to drink it more than seven days in a row. So, I drink it M-F, and by Sunday the digestion has stopped again.

Keep me posted on how this works for you please? :)

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Day 7 for me ( well, I suppose just day two as I drank coconut milk with a questionable ingredient so I had to start over... I'm turning it into a whole40 to allow for my first week of mistakes.) I wonder, has anyone started having crazy food dreams?? Every night in dreamland, I'm feasting on mint chocolate chip cake and French onion soup with loads of cheese!!

On a good note, my family and I went to a few farmer's markets yesterday. I was beyond tempted by all the holiday baked goodies & sweet coffee drinks but I did not give in. I came so, so close to ordering a peppermint mocha, m but stuck to the plan instead. I was miserable and cranky, but I woke up with a clear head, happy I didn't cheat. I've never realized until now, how emotionally attached I am to food!!!

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Heathera, I drink kombucha to *ahem* help things along. Probiotics in the kombucha really seems to help. If you're starting out, only drink 1/2 or less of a bottle. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing in that case!! I'm up to about a bottle a day, but I don't drink it every day. Possibly every other. This IS some slight sugar, but from all the postings in the forum, the benefits to your gut flora outweigh what tiny tiny amount of natural sugar is in there.

Day 6 for me! Days 4 and 5 were a living hell...headaches literally kept me in bed and almost to tears. I powered through with the support of my friends, but wow - I was not expecting that! Thank goodness they were on the weekend. I would not have been able to work with those headaches.

I'll be traveling for work Wed-Thurs. Some nice coworkers of mine offered to do some Whole 30 Grocery shopping for me so I stay on track while there! Isn't that nice?!

I'm so proud of everyone here!! OH - and I ordered some of the Whole 30 approved jerky through Gourmet Grassfed and WOW - it is the BEST I've ever had! I'll keep it for when I need a quick protein fix or when I'm traveling. High recommend. Just wished there was a coupon code......

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I failed : ( I've been away for training this past week. I made my breakfasts and lunches ahead of time and bought roast beef and sauerkraut for dinners. Day 1-3, I ate dinner before going out with my group and just had water at the restaurant. By Thursday, my will was waning. At dinner, my boss mentioned something about hoping everyone could bond. That was enough for me. We all shared a pitcher and then some... Needless to say, three of us closed out the bar : ( The only good thing is that I finished all the food that I brought, so no waste there. But, holy whoa, me and beer are no longer even remotely friends! Here's to getting back on track Monday.

Just lite heathera is saying, it's a lesson to make you more prepared til next time you start again, which is now right ? :)

Now you know which situation to avoid. Keep going, we are cheering for you :)

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I am on day 8 and very proud of my first week :)

It seems that it's easier to have the willpower to do this, because I'm not allowed to have "cheat days" so it's no discussion with myself, it's "just do it" and it's been going quite easy with the food. It's really good food we get to eat, the only thing is that I am not a good chef so I don't have a good imagination to make new dishes. But I will read more in the forum about recipes :)

Day 1-3 were hard with a terrible headache, 4-5 were fine, and day 6 was hard because I was very nauseous, feeling ill, dizzy, felt as if I would faint. So mainly that day was mostly spent in the sofa watching movies...But it's let go now, and I feel better :)

The best so far is that my stomach doesn't feel bloated. It's the same size in the afternoon as it is in the morning. It doesn't trouble me, it just exists :)

And I have started to sleep a little better. Although it takes maybe 1,5hrs to fall asleep, last night for instance, I slept 6,5hrs without interruption, and that's really good for me :) :)

Let's have a great week 2 together :)

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I don't understand this whole restart...restart...restart if some tiny mistake has been made. I understand if you eat a conventional cookie or drink some booze, but if you had something you didn't realize had some canola oil, sugar, etc. and it wasn't even a huge amount.....

I guess that restriction/over analyzing would drive me batty. I'm trying to break my unhealthy food obsessions/habits, and as long as I'm giving it my all - a tiny accidental, unknowing mistake would not make me run back to the starting line.

There's a lot of threads where people state that they're on their 3rd or even 4th restart because of a tiny mistake. I say don't sweat it, personally.

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Maybe i'm a late bloomer--Day 9 here and i am just now starting to have some serious sugar cravings. I sailed through the first week and got all over confident. Today, there is a box of peppermint JoJo's in my office kitchen singing me their siren song.....


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Maybe i'm a late bloomer--Day 9 here and i am just now starting to have some serious sugar cravings. I sailed through the first week and got all over confident. Today, there is a box of peppermint JoJo's in my office kitchen singing me their siren song.....


You're doing great...keep going. I have the sugar cravings too...and when all else fails; I have some fruit. Early on; I feel this is a way for me to combat the sugar dragon; without giving in to the craving. This week I'll have a little less fruit; next week I hope to be down to one fruite a day; and the fourth week I hope to have one every other day, or so.

Ask your self/body what fruit would taste really good; and have that instead.

Those peppermint JoJo's are probably not that great tasting anyways. :)

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I am on day 8 and very proud of my first week :)

It seems that it's easier to have the willpower to do this, because I'm not allowed to have "cheat days" so it's no discussion with myself, it's "just do it" and it's been going quite easy with the food. It's really good food we get to eat, the only thing is that I am not a good chef so I don't have a good imagination to make new dishes. But I will read more in the forum about recipes :)

Day 1-3 were hard with a terrible headache, 4-5 were fine, and day 6 was hard because I was very nauseous, feeling ill, dizzy, felt as if I would faint. So mainly that day was mostly spent in the sofa watching movies...But it's let go now, and I feel better :)

The best so far is that my stomach doesn't feel bloated. It's the same size in the afternoon as it is in the morning. It doesn't trouble me, it just exists :)

And I have started to sleep a little better. Although it takes maybe 1,5hrs to fall asleep, last night for instance, I slept 6,5hrs without interruption, and that's really good for me :) :)

Let's have a great week 2 together :)

I'm glad you are feeling better, and sticking with it!

I slept great last night; but my sleep has been on and off too. Hoping for a great night's sleep tonight!

Cheers! :)

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Heathera, I drink kombucha to *ahem* help things along. Probiotics in the kombucha really seems to help. If you're starting out, only drink 1/2 or less of a bottle. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing in that case!! I'm up to about a bottle a day, but I don't drink it every day. Possibly every other. This IS some slight sugar, but from all the postings in the forum, the benefits to your gut flora outweigh what tiny tiny amount of natural sugar is in there.

Day 6 for me! Days 4 and 5 were a living hell...headaches literally kept me in bed and almost to tears. I powered through with the support of my friends, but wow - I was not expecting that! Thank goodness they were on the weekend. I would not have been able to work with those headaches.

I'll be traveling for work Wed-Thurs. Some nice coworkers of mine offered to do some Whole 30 Grocery shopping for me so I stay on track while there! Isn't that nice?!

I'm so proud of everyone here!! OH - and I ordered some of the Whole 30 approved jerky through Gourmet Grassfed and WOW - it is the BEST I've ever had! I'll keep it for when I need a quick protein fix or when I'm traveling. High recommend. Just wished there was a coupon code......

I love your post...first of all...I didn't even know they made Whole 30 approved jerky...awesome.

Second...you have great coworkers!

Third...your headaches are gone now; right? If not; I'm going to ask a moderator to chime in; and/or suggest you may need more starchy carbs.

Last but not least...if kombucha does that...then it will be amazing for me. I'll be looking for some locally right away!

Hope you had a great monday! :)

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I don't understand this whole restart...restart...restart if some tiny mistake has been made. I understand if you eat a conventional cookie or drink some booze, but if you had something you didn't realize had some canola oil, sugar, etc. and it wasn't even a huge amount.....

I guess that restriction/over analyzing would drive me batty. I'm trying to break my unhealthy food obsessions/habits, and as long as I'm giving it my all - a tiny accidental, unknowing mistake would not make me run back to the starting line.

There's a lot of threads where people state that they're on their 3rd or even 4th restart because of a tiny mistake. I say don't sweat it, personally.

To each his/her own...

This is an individual thing...and I'm sure not EVERYONE starts over; but I think it's really about the process...and for the process to work...it takes 30 days (at least...and more for some people.)

I take what I need from the things people share, and leave the rest. Whatever works for you will work for you...but there ARE guidelines for a reason...and the program is structured this way for a reason...so if you want the full benefits then you might want to add some additional days if you realize you slipped up inadvertently. :)

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Interesting to read about Kombucha, never heard of it before, but I will try to find it here aswell and see it's something for me :)

The only bad symptoms I have now is that my eczema and allergies are getting worse, I was hoping they would get better. But sometimes it gets worse before it gets better, right?

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Can't believe it is day 9 already! I have been doing good and am currently traveling now, which poses a bit of a challenge but not so bad. Going to put out a blog post tonight about that. Haven't had any major cravings, things look good but it is wierd as they are things I am allergic to and would not eat anyways - Frosted Gingerbread cookies at Trader Joes, that type of stuff. Seems mainly a fleeting thought.

I have noticed my skin is getting better, but have been tired a bit more lately and Ive been waking up around 4am. Wondering if I am going to bed too early. But, I guess more sleep the better.

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Day 7 here. I'm actually feeling quite good. Not really too hungry at any moment. This morning I had some leftover grassfed meatloaf I made pan fried in tallow with 2 pastured eggs. That kept me going until lunch. I found a place called Freebirds here in Dallas that serves grassfed beef. So, I had to grab that for lunch because our breakroom was closed; I had no access to my lunch. =(

I'm really starting to like coconut milk in my coffee. It really helps with hunger, and I feel better overall.

I have had a HUGE hankering for crab legs the past few days. Being as long as it's wild caught, I figured that's one craving I could give in to. I spent 2 days and 6 grocery stores looking for some until I went to what I thought was the last place ever - Kroger. They're having (no joke) Crab-A-Palooza. Wild caught crab legs for practically 1/2 price. I bought a HUGE batch and ate with some clarified grassfed butter. I was in heaven.

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Day 7 here. I'm actually feeling quite good. Not really too hungry at any moment. This morning I had some leftover grassfed meatloaf I made pan fried in tallow with 2 pastured eggs. That kept me going until lunch. I found a place called Freebirds here in Dallas that serves grassfed beef. So, I had to grab that for lunch because our breakroom was closed; I had no access to my lunch. =(

I'm really starting to like coconut milk in my coffee. It really helps with hunger, and I feel better overall.

I have had a HUGE hankering for crab legs the past few days. Being as long as it's wild caught, I figured that's one craving I could give in to. I spent 2 days and 6 grocery stores looking for some until I went to what I thought was the last place ever - Kroger. They're having (no joke) Crab-A-Palooza. Wild caught crab legs for practically 1/2 price. I bought a HUGE batch and ate with some clarified grassfed butter. I was in heaven.

You are an inspiration with your dedication to finding grassfed meats, and wild-caught seafood!!

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Can't believe it is day 9 already! I have been doing good and am currently traveling now, which poses a bit of a challenge but not so bad. Going to put out a blog post tonight about that. Haven't had any major cravings, things look good but it is wierd as they are things I am allergic to and would not eat anyways - Frosted Gingerbread cookies at Trader Joes, that type of stuff. Seems mainly a fleeting thought.

I have noticed my skin is getting better, but have been tired a bit more lately and Ive been waking up around 4am. Wondering if I am going to bed too early. But, I guess more sleep the better.

Great! I've been doing well also...and I went to bed early last night just so I COULD get up at 4:30 AM this morning!

Keep it up. :)

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Interesting to read about Kombucha, never heard of it before, but I will try to find it here aswell and see it's something for me :)

The only bad symptoms I have now is that my eczema and allergies are getting worse, I was hoping they would get better. But sometimes it gets worse before it gets better, right?

Let's hope so...I would try searching the forum for that topic; and see what others might have to say.

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I just bought a box of Green Tea Combucha Decaf by Yogi with all organic ingredients - Green Tea Leaf, Lemongrass, spearmint leaf, and Kombucha. I know it's not the pure stuff and I'm hoping this helps move things along as I've been experiencing some constipation issues. I take probiotics as well and it doesn't seem to help. :(

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I just bought a box of Green Tea Combucha Decaf by Yogi with all organic ingredients - Green Tea Leaf, Lemongrass, spearmint leaf, and Kombucha. I know it's not the pure stuff and I'm hoping this helps move things along as I've been experiencing some constipation issues. I take probiotics as well and it doesn't seem to help. :(

I drink "super slimming tea" from my local grocery store ...and it helps...but I am going to try the kombucha. :)

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I just bought a box of Green Tea Combucha Decaf by Yogi with all organic ingredients - Green Tea Leaf, Lemongrass, spearmint leaf, and Kombucha. I know it's not the pure stuff and I'm hoping this helps move things along as I've been experiencing some constipation issues. I take probiotics as well and it doesn't seem to help. :(

It has to be fermented Kombucha Tea like GT's brand. It's the fermentation that creates the probiotics.

Here's a pretty popular brand:


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You are an inspiration with your dedication to finding grassfed meats, and wild-caught seafood!!

I'm lucky there are local farmers around here that believe in grass fed beef and pastured chicken and pork. I place orders for what I need and pick it up on Saturdays at a local Farmers Market. I wished I had known about this sooner!

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