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Doing a Whole7 in prep for a January Whole30

Guest Andria

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Fortunately, I don't seem to get cravings anymore. But....at work, where crap food abounds, I seem to mindlessly munch away when I am either stressed/anxious/bored or trying to avoid doing something I consider unpleasant. In other words, if I am not working I eat great! Maybe I can quit my job and apply for disability pay on the grounds I have a stressed induced eating disorder ;-). Needless to say, despite not really having a true craving, once I start eating the sugar crap I don't stop.

Sooo, starting tomorrow, I am trying a Whole7 dry run (which will end the day before the office Christmas party) prep for a whole30 in January. And this is a place to keep myself accountable. I have only succeeded in Whole4 so far! I am so envious and in awe of all of you who have completed a Whole30!!

Goodnight for now(sleep is a other thing I need to work on!!!)

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6:45 Wake. Tired(prob from all the crap I was eating for past 3 days). Walk the pup, 25 minutes

8:30 Breakfast (between walking and feeding the animals and getting ready for work I usually can't eat within an hour of waking): 3 egg, spinach & sun-dried tomato "muffins"; 2/3 avocado; coffee w/ TB coc milk

1:00 Lunch (whoop whoop! Avoided the mounds of chocolate candy and the gigantic choc chip birthday cookie): 2 Applegate organic chicken something(can't remember specifics, but know they are compliant) sausages and stir fried spahgetti squash with Swiss chard in homemade Kerrygold ghee; orange; decaf chai tea( this is the tea bag flavor, not sweetened)

4:00 small coffee(supposed to be decaf but poured regular instead =/) w/ coc milk; handful(with the shells) pistachios; 1 egg muffin

This might have been some emotional eating, but not sure where it came from, though, because I was finished work and heading home w/ no apparent stress. I wouldn't normally have coffee after 10am.

8:00 Dinner: Homemade grass fed beef chili; 1/3 avocado; salad w/ macadamia nut oil & compliant balsalmic vinegar; 1/2 TB almond butter 1/4 berries w/ splash coc milk

Emotions for the day: good during work day/calm. Feeling "blah" on way home and slightly irritable @ night. I know the blah/down feeling and irritability are from the sugar and will pass in another day or 2.

Physical: decent energy, but no interest in working out. Painful chronic fascitis in left foot. I know this has improved when I did my whole4 before!

Things I find difficult:

1. Cooking ahead. I enjoy cooking, but it is soooo time consuming when having to prepare enough food for the week

2. Eating within an hour of waking. Not sure if this will ever be possible, in addition to the aforementioned morning duties, I usually squeeze a workout in before work. I have made strides, though, because I had been eating within a reduced time window, a la Lean Gains, and skipping bfast.

3. On days I work 10-12 hrs, it will be difficult to not eat between lunch and dinner, since lunch is @ 1ish and I won't have dinner until I get home 8pm or later...this also makes it impossible to have dinner 2 or more hrs before bed

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@Juzbo: yes, having read other folks' logs, I can see I am not the only one who has had multiple starts and stops. Good luck to you in the remainder of your Whole30!

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Boooo, just realized I can't have my US Wellness grass fed liverwurst =( raw honey is 7 th on the list. Just doesn't seem right to not have this, it is sooo nutritious.....

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Yeah, but it's only for a short time you can't have it.... You can have four meals a day. In fact it is better to have four proper meals than three and snacks. Can you have dinner during work? Sometimes I had 5 meals on the worst or really active days... I have three meals if I am not too active or my workout sessions don't require Pre and post meals due to their timing.

Day31 for me today.

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Good to know, Juzbo, 4 meals are ok (ie better than snacking in between 3 meals). No, I can''t eat at work other than lunchtime. There are some days I don't have time for a proper lunch(and this will likely become a more common occurrence, unfortunately) =(.

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7:00 Pup & I slept in! Felt pretty good upon waking. 20 min walk w/ pup

9:00 Bfast 2 eggs, Applegate chicken sausage; sauteed spinach, onion, Swiss chard(all cooked in ghee); Bubbie's sauerkraut; blk coffee

3:30 Lunch: (felt great despite 6 hrs since last meal): 1/2cup homemade chili (oops didn't realize wasn't enough leftover); sauteed onion, spinach, chard, chipotle carnitas bowl (lettuce, pico, gauc); grapefruit sparkling water(compliant ingredients, no sweetener); 1/2 lg orange

4:30 nibbling on fruit when making fruit salad(grapes, kiwi, pineapple, strawberries), few macadamia nuts

8:00 Dinner: salmon, lg scallop, stir fry veg in ghee & coc milk, roasted sweet potatoes; 1/2 TB sunflower butter

Emotions: some anxiety early in day which made me want certain types of food. Resisted. Clearly, I eat emotionally in response to stress/anxiety.

Physical: good energy. No workout(only bc I let other things take priority). Busy all day, rarely sat down. Fasciitis pain still present.

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Day 3 (Mon 12/10/12)

6:20 Woke fairly rested. Brief run/sprint workout (25 min total)

8:30 Bfast: 2 hard boiled eggs; 1 chick/apple sausage; 4 lg olives; blk coffee & coc milk

1:15 Lunch (felt good, not starving) chicken breast(from farmer); leftover stir fry veg & roasted sw potato slices; lime club soda ( not sweetened, natural favors, hope ok). Peppermint/spearmint herbal tea

8:45 Dinner (late, but not hungry, surprisingly w/no afternoon snacks) 1 sausage patty (pastured pork from farmer; leftover stir fry veg; small cup fruit salad w/ few Mac nuts & coc flakes; 1 TB sunflower butter(getting to the point of non hunger eating here)

Emotions: good, even all day, not too anxious @ work.

Alert & good focus. Definitely no fatigue I would feel if I were snacking on the typical sugary treats

Physical: the plantar fasciitis (hopefully not bone spur, haven't done the X-rays to determine) pain is really bad =(

Prob from sprinting.....oh digestive issues improving too, even w/ missing Natural Calm few nights

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Official bail....had a holiday dinner that I forgot was planned and ending up falling off the wagon. My choice. It was at a restaurant where I could have been compliant but didn't want to make waves during the ordering process...

I hope I can muster the strength to do this come January for a full whole30......

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