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Natalie's 2nd Whole30


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When I started my first W30 in October I looked at all of the logs here and noticed people were doing this thing more than once and I was shocked! Why would I want to do this again? Isn't one time enough to realize what's good for me?

Well, here I am starting my second round =)

I finished the W30 on Nov 1st and did some reintroduction. It was hard on my body and I know now what to avoid. But still, even though I'm 90-95% Paleo I still have way too much nuts and sweets so I'm not going to have any nuts or dried fruit and try to eat less starch.

My husband, after seeing me sticking to a Paleo lifestyle, decided to check for himself and do a 30 day elimination n=1 experiment without his GERD medication and he'll avoid- grains, sugar, vegetable oils, dairy and processed foods but he might have some rice or fake-bread every once in a while. So he's not doing a Whole30, but it's going to be damn close.

Like last time, this time I'm going to log- sleep, food, exercise and mood.

I have to say I missed this forum this last month. Both logging here and reading all the other logs. And I can't wait to feel as great as I did in October =)

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So yesterday was my first day. I have to admit it doesn't feel much different from my everyday food since my fisrt W30, but I'm also trying to avoid nuts this time, so that's different.

SLEEP- 7 hours.


Meal 1- 2 scrambled eggs with ghee, 1/2 avocado and some olive oil.

Meal 2- tuna salad with olives, portabella mushroom and green salad.

Snack- 4 strawberries

Green tea

Meal3- curry chicken with coconut milk, sweet potato fries.

Snack- a banana.

Felt pretty good during the day.


SLEEP- 7 hours.


Meal 1- 2 scrambled eggs with ghee, coffee.

Meal 2- a big salad with olive oil and lemon juice. (No protein :/ )

I feel really full really fast... and I like it.

Dinner will probably be some of the curry chicken I made yesterday and veggies.

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So yesteday's dinner was the curry chicken with the coconut milk and I also had a banana. I also made some cocolate 'milk' (coconut milk, 100% cacao mass and some coconut oil) for my husband. I tasted some before I added honey...

DAY 3-

SLEEP- 7 hours.


Meal 1- 2 eggs with ghee, 1/2 avocado.


Meal 2- chicken salad.

Fruit shake... I know, I know, I SHOULDN'T DRINK MY FOOD. but it was a small glass and contained water, 1/2 banana, 3 dates and some mango.


So far so good... :)

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(yesterday) DAY 4

SLEEP- only 6 hours


Meal 1- 2 eggs with ghee, 1/2 avocado.


Meal 2- 2 eggs with ghee, 1/2 avocado, tomatoes, garlic and olives.

kombucha I bought in the Shuk (the outdoor market) of my lovely Jerusalem.

I had some blood work done and got the results: My Triglycerides went (since 7 months ago) from 173 to 102! =) And that's after all of my tests in the last 3 years were around 190-210. It could be due to 22 lbs weight loss but I know it has a lot to do with the fact I eat much less carbs.

But I also found out that my vitamin D is 11! I started supplementing with 6000 units a day right away and I'll keep it this high for at least 6 weeks and check my vitamin D levels again... I hope I feel better with some more vitamin D in my system.

(today) DAY 5

Already? didn't I start yesterday? ;)

SLEEP- 6 hours or less. (THAT'S IT- I'll sleep my 8 hours tonight!)


morning- coffee

evening- chicken, avocado, tomatoes and olives with some homemade tahini.


I was at school from 8:00 until 16:15 today and wasn't hungry at all! So I ate only at 19:00 when I got back home. I usually eat something by noon, but today I just didn't notice it and didn't have any trouble concentrating. I like eating only when I'm hungry and not being controlled by cravings. I think not eating any nuts during this round helps a lot! No sweet or salty cravings =)

didn't have time to exercise this week because of work, but I'll make some time next week!

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