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Starting January 5th!


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I have started making some small changes, but will go full throttle the day after my birthday.   i was at the grocery store today and did some research and found several compliant foods, but also know I'll need to look other places for almond butter, coconut aminos, etc. 

I'm excited and a little nervous, but i can do this!!!

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I'm planning on starting Jan. 5 as well. I did my first whole30 early last summer and I was doing ok, not great but ok, until Halloween when my sugar dragon completely destroyed me. So I'm in desperate need of a reset!

Doing research is great! I haven't seriously started planning yet, but I'm off work until the new year so hopefully I can do some serious prep. 

Good luck!

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I am in as well, after the holidays and my wedding anniversary.  I did a very successful Whole30 early 2016 but am gradually slipping back into old habits. Still mainly eat in the Paleo style but have a problem restricting dairy. I don’t have a big sweet tooth but have been eating some holiday treats just because they are in the house. Last time, I didn’t do a very effective reintroduction so will be focusing on that this time.  

As I recall, the first 2 weeks were a little difficult but by week 3 It was smooth sailing and that’s when the health benefits became apparent.  Actually looking forward to doing this again.  It will be good having buddies doing this on the same schedule.  

It does help enormously to clear out non-w30 foods to avoid temptation.  This style of eating is very satisfying, but one must commit 100%.  Keeping it simple helped me.  Also having easy to cook foods helped.  Enjoy the process.  

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My husband is enthused to join me in Whole30.  This is a first.  He has been gaining some weight and has achey joints so that is his motivation.  

We threw away or moved cheese and non compliant salami to garage fridge where it won’t be tempting us. 

Dairy has always been my temptation.  I like a little sugar and wine but not a problem to do without.  No sugar dragon unless start eating it and that creates a craving.  

Will go shopping for lots vegetables and make clarified butter from Kerrygold grass fed butter. Will also toss any crackers or other grain items we have and any other foods that don’t fit the plan.

Looking forward to trying some new recipes.  We both enjoy prepping and cooking food.  

I have been substituting tea in the am for my usual espresso with cream and that is working. Eating mostly W30 style except for a few holiday treats, which are now gone.  Thank goodness.  

Starting 1/5/18. We have an anniversary dinner planned on 1/4 and that will be mostly complient but I will probably have a glass of wine, hence the 1/5 start date. 

Good luck on your journey and have fun with it. 

Happy new year. 

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I have mostly given up sodas. I used to drink alot of diet sodas, but don't really like the taste that much anymore, so it won't be that hard. My vice is flavored creamers. I've bought Nutpods, so hopefully I'll like them; otherwise I'll go without coffee all together. 

I'm looking forward to feeling better!  Let's do this!!

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I gave up sodas a few years ago.  I used to be a soda junkie - first regular then diet. Now I drink sparkling mineral water.  Sometimes I add a little fruit juice to it. Especially lemon or lime or grapefruit. Or I have hot or iced black or green tea.  

Good luck with the Nutpods.  Are they just nut milk?  

I decided to give up coffee for the month. I don’t like black coffee and the smell of coffee makes me want cream or a latte, so not good for no dairy. Tea rocks!


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@rthompson2 @Artistcam I gave up sodas after my 1st Whole30 last year and found I didn't like the taste of most afterwards. They've been creeping back a little.  But I enjoy naturally flavored seltzer so I mostly drink that. And it is cheaper than bottle water. Go figure. 

I'm probably giving up coffee. I like mine sweet and creamy. Recently I was putting in honey and coconut milk, but let me know how you l like the Nutpods. 

Also, there's a group that started today, if you want to consolidate with more people. Happy and healthy eating!


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Hello, glad to have found this forum. My wife and I started our first whole 30 on January 5th as well. I felt a "reset" was needed. I know this plan is not about weighlissm but fingers are crossed that the large belly will start to melt. I look forward to learning and sharing with you all.

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Welcome Blackcreekrob.  Love your name!

My husband and I are doing this together and the going is good. We are both enjoying the process. Cooking new recipes, shopping for food together.

He is thrilled because his blood pressure has reduced and is now in the normal range.  In one week!  He is hoping for weight loss and other health benefits, as am I.

Our favorite new salad is a raw broccoli salad with mayo, cashews, onion, and golden raisins.  So good and filling. We also love lettuce leaves wrapped around leftover steak, with avocado, cilantro, and salsa.  

Good luck to both you and your wife.

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