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Sandzu's whole 30 experiment


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Day 25 -- wow ....getting close to the end of my first whole 30 .... I am doing ok but not really great. I realize that I have to take into account where I am coming from -- not a great place -- and accept what I have gained while thinking about any changes I would like to make for the next 30 days of my journey.

Not working right now brings me down and that is something that will change as soon as I find another job. Its funny how finances - or lack of finances really effects my mood. Plus the lack of employment means I can not splurge on organic foods right now so I have to cut corners I wish I didnt have to cut.

The grey weather also has an influence on my emotions and bones for that matter - but spring is coming and with it much more light. I have been taking large doses of D3 but it is not the same as real sunshine. Being on the west coast means warmer temperatures but greyer skies.

I have come to admit that I do have a sugar addiction. When I feel stressed I run to sugar to sooth my anxiety. Cutting sugar has been good for me but I realize that I am still caught up in this addiction. Instead of actual sugar or honey or fake sugar, which have all been tossed- I seem to have turned to fruit to fill my needs. I have not been eating just a bit of fruit but a lot of fruit. Days that I have been especially stressed ( like today) I have noticed that I eat mostly fruit. - I look at my food log and it scares me. What my food log is telling me is that I need to cut the fruit and find different ways of dealing with the stress. - also too much fruit makes me gassy and uncomfortable. So that is part of my plan for the next part of this journey. I do plan on consuming the fruit that I have at home but will not buy any more for the next 30 days.

B - 1 egg, 3 slices prosciutto, 1 banana, handful of blueberries, water

L - banana, blueberries, macadamia nuts,water, coffee

D - steak, 1/2 sweet potato, carrots, banana, macadamia nuts, tea, water

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wow it's day 26 and I am actually doing ok. Still pretty tired but I think a lot of that has to do with the cold grey weather.

B - bison pepperoni with blueberries and a green juice made with pea sprouts, parsley, and an apple, coffee

L - scrambled egg (2), more bison pepperoni, tomatoes, and apple, peppermint tea

D - Bison stew with sweet potatos, parsnips, carrots and peas, coffee

Went to the farmers market this morning and got some Bison, some eggs, farmers sausages and some squash. -- So I am pretty happy today. Spent some time painting, which always lifts my spirits and did some hoola hooping :) Still eating a lot of fruit but at least I have re-supplied my fridge with some yummy meat. I made a meat loaf and a bunch of meat balls and some deviled eggs so I am nicely stocked up with eatables.

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Can't believe it - Here I am on day 27 and I am craving something sweet. - Thinking about eating chocolate - not even the 90% stuff but the gross stuff. UUUgggghhhh!!!!!

B - 2 eggs, 3 meat balls, blueberries, coffee

L - left over bison stew, coffee

S - coffee - went to a freinds to fix her computer and she made coffee

D - meat loaf, carrots, broccoli, walnuts, handful of macadamias, water

feeling a bit of indigestion while making dinner - I think I had too much coffee today :(

here I sit, totally full, not hungry in the least, craving chocolate. Milk chocolate too and I have always hated milk chocolated. Even when I was eating junk I could never stomach the milk chocolate - but now its what I keep thinking about it -- its crazy :blink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Day 38 -- Thirty days came and went but I am still here - I thought about going back to regular eating but I just couldn't do it. I am doing better than when I started but lacking in the energy department so I am hanging around a bit longer and looking for that energy. I probably have to stick on a bit longer because I am a lot more messed up than I originally thought- well actually I thought that before too but now I am sure of it. I probably need to stick to it a bit longer to fix what all that sugar bingeing broke. I am happy to be losing weight and not craving pop -- even when I think about it, I don't even want it -- I stick to water. This is great because last year when I first tired paleo I allowed myself diet pop and I craved it all the time. I don't think I will fall in that hole again. But there are meny other holes out there waiting for me so I am going cautiously.

I am enjoying the gym but now my knee has started to hurt so I bought a foam roller to see if it would help. Might take some time. I went for a long walk today and found my hips a bit sore by the end but I was able to go a lot farther and faster than only a month ago - bonus!!

I am working on getting enough sleep, taking my supplements, weights and walks and avoiding technology a bit -- so I don't post as often as I did last month. But I am still here :)

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Day 40 Well its not really a very good day -- I find myself bingeing --- strangely. I haven't had any non - complient foods but I am seriously over indulging in fruit and nuts and not much of anything else. :blink:

B - 2 eggs, 2 bananas, 2 mini oranges

L - handful of almonds, slice watermelon, 1 mini carrot, 2 coffee, banana, 3 strawberries

D - roast beef, carrots, yam, 3 bananas, handful macadamias, 2 mini oranges

Im not hungry but I keep eating - I need to cut the fruit but I am having a hard time. I'm thinking I may be dealing with candida as my tongue is very white and I have a hard time stopping the fruit :wacko:

It was "Family Day" today in BC and the community gym was free all day so my freind and I went to check it out and work out in this gym. It was huge compared to where I usually go but it is all the way over the other side of town. There was a trainer walking around giving demos and helped with proper technic with squats and leg press. I am always too wide - have to pay attention to that. So it was a good day exercise wise - just have to get the sugar bingeing under control.

I think its still about bingeing on sugar. I have been eating a lot of fruit, sweet potatoes, yam and squash - more than normal. I am going to try to stop - its hard. :(

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Day 41 and I am doing a lot better despite not getting any sleep after that sugar high yesterday.

B - 1 whole avocado, cpffee

L - salad,with chicken, bacon peppers, tomato, olives and sunflower seeds, coffee

D - left over salad with chicken, etc, sparkling water - funny how it seems to taste so good when only a few months ago - I couldnt drink it because it wasnt sweet enough -- lol

no fruit today - no yams or sweet potatoes too. When to buy laundry soap at the store and found it really really hard walking past all the valentines chocolate :ph34r: , I almost caved and got some icecream - had to run out of there fast

I decided to get some acidopholis and stuff for candidase and will stay off of fruit and yams for a few weeks until I feel stronger and can keep from over indulging. Will also try some fermented cabbage and cook up some eggs to snack on in a pinch.

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so I am doing not so great today. My son took me out for breakfast and I thought I could managed that ok. Had a bit of fruit instead of toast with my meal but they snuck some cheese in with my eggs. I didnt think to specify no cheese so I had already eaten some before I realized it. Within the hour I was double over in pain. - I thought I was dying or something, the pain was so bad. Its the only dairy I have had in 42 days and it was not a nice experience at all. My tummy has been feeling off all day.

B - fruit cup, 3 eggs, ham, bacon, mushrooms, peppers and cheese, coffee black

L - Avocado - tummy still hurts

D - 2 boiled eggs, minonnite sausage, perrier water, green apple

So dairy is off the menu for a long while and I will be more causious when going out to eat

-----tummy still hurts just thinking about it :huh:

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Day 43 and I am feeling much better today. Now that I have found a job I have a lot less stress and I think that is helping quite a bit. I slept well last night and seem to be starting to have more energy. I am seriously considering changing my strategy and moving into a reintro mode. I had previously considered sticking with this for a whole 100 but am realizing that it is not very realistic for me right now. I have made some dramatic improvements to my life and healthy steps towards a new way of life. The incident with the accidental cheese has gotten me thinking of taking the time to check which foods I need to avoid like the plague, and which ones make for better accidental options. The cheese was not a good choice, but because I was in a restaurant, I do not know what sort of cheese cause such a bad reaction. I am going to wait a few more days and then purposefully re-introduce different items. I may just make this a whole 45 and be happy with that. So Saturday will be a new beginning for me as I begin testing different foods - slowly. I also want to do this so it will be purposeful. My brithday is approaching at the end of march. It will be a crazy time and we will also be celebrating my son's birthday, my grandaughters birthday, and the birthday's of several of my friends all in the last week of March. So I don't want to come into march and have another accident ( like the cheese incident), thereby not really knowing what my problem foods really are. Come April I hope to embark on another whole 30, this time with a bit more understanding of the process and perhaps the next time will include a lot less fruit and perhaps no coffee. I will clarify that when the time comes :) Anyway....

B - 2 eggs, 4 bacon, 2 coffee black

L - steak, onions, tomatoes, carrots, Holy Basil Tea

D - chicken breast, carrots, asperagus

no fruit today :)

opps..... just checked.....its actually day 45 today lol

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